May 31, 2010

Disney- day one

Since it has been almost a month since we got back from Disney, I thought it was about time to put some pictures up (that and the friendly reminders from Mandy).  We had an absolute blast at Disney.  There has not been one day since we got home that Brett has not asked to go back.  Every plane that we see in the sky is going to Disney, and every car that passes us is going to Disney.  He will say, "Mommy, that car is going to Magic Kingdom, and that one is going to Hollywood Studios".  Cracks me up every time.
We got to Disney around lunchtime on Tues.  We let the kids take a nap and then headed to the Magic Kingdom.  First stop was the Buzz Lightyear ride, followed by the Teacups- Brett and Kate each got to pick their first ride.  They loved every single ride.  I was a little worried about how Kate was going to do- she is not one for adventure- but she LOVED it.  I think their favorite part of the first day, however, was the parade.  It was wonderful.  They sat spellbound the entire time.  Disney really is a magical place isn't it!
I am all ready to go Mommy!!
Brett's first pick- Buzz Lightyear
Kate's first pick- the Teacups
Mommy's first pick- Splash Mountain.  Kate wasn't tall enough to ride yet so Brett and I rode this one by ourself.  He LOVED it.  If you ask him what his favorite ride was he will tell you "Splash Mountain".

There we are in the front- about to go up the big hill
And after- not too wet
Kate driving the race car
The parade- it was wonderful

May 18, 2010

Happy Referral Day!

One year ago today we sent in our Letter of Intent to adopt Kate.  After years of waiting, we finally had a face to put with our daughters name.  We had three pictures of her, a 10 second video, and about 10 pages of medical information.  She was described as being "extroverted, active and pretty".  That is all we knew about our little girl.  And now, a year later, we know what time she wakes up, what she likes for breakfast, what her favorite toys are, what her favorite thing to wear is, what her voice sounds like, how strong her hugs are, how cute her lips are when they pucker to kiss you, how easily she gets upset if she thinks you are leaving, how happy she is every single time she wakes up, how much she loves to sing, how much she loves to talk, how she LOVES to be the center of attention, how social she is- so much so that I have to roll her window down every time we go to Chick-fil-A so she can say "hello" to the people working there, how excited she gets - jumping up and down and saying "I am so happy" -when she finds out we are going somewhere that she loves- like to music class or to see her friends, how she loves to be neat and tidy, how cute her little laugh is, how contagious her personality is.  I can't believe a year has passed since Kate entered our life.  We love you so very much Peanut and can't imagine life without you.  Thank you for letting us be your mom, dad, and big brother.   As your Daddy would say- You are AWESOME!!
Kate with her referral photo

Proud big brother Brett

May 17, 2010

Daddy Bob's birthday

You know those days that are just perfect?  The weather is beautiful, everyone is in a good mood, you get to spend the day outside, you are with all of your favorite people- well Dad's birthday was one of those days.  One of mom's sweet friends has a lake house by Callaway Gardens and let Mom and Dad stay for several days.  Brian and Rob took the day off on Dad's birthday and we all went down and enjoyed the beautiful day.  It really was a perfect day- I am smiling now just thinking about it.  One of the things that made it so special is that Brett and Kate both caught their first fish- and on Dad's birthday- it couldn't have been on a better day.  My dad and brother are avid fishermen, and I admit that I, too, love to fish.  Love to fish I said- I will not, however, bait the hook or take the fish off- a girl has her limits right! :)
We love you Daddy Bob.  Thank you for sharing your special day with us!

Kate and Mommy enjoying the view

Watching Uncle Rob bait the hook
Learning from the pro
Catching the big one!!!!
I think the face says it all
Holding the fish all by himself!!
My favorite men with Brett's first fish- love Brett's face in this one

Kate practicing her fishing skills
Kate catching her first fish- with a little help from Mommy
The fam with Kate's fish
Brett playing with the worms- he could have done that all day
Kissing Daddy's fish

The fishermen
Daddy fishing with Kate
Real men fish with Spiderman fishing poles!
Brett's tongue after eating the lollipop Uncle Rob gave him
Kate, Ma, and Brett taking a walk

Even Mommy caught a fish (or 6 or 7)! - note who is holding the fish :)

May 15, 2010


My very brave friend, Keri, got 12 chickens to raise so went over to play with the chicks before they got too big.  Brett LOVED them and was surprisingly gentle with them.  Kate loved them too- as long as she didn't have to hold one. :)   Here are a few pictures of the kids with the chickens.

May 12, 2010


A few weeks ago we went with Brian to Indianapolis to visit my best friend, Stacy, and her family.  We had the best time!  The kids loved playing together and I loved catching up with my sweet friend.  Stacy and I have been friends since 5th grade and have seen the best and worst of each other.  I must say, however, that being a mom has brought out the very best in her.  Stacy is a wonderful mom- I just wish we lived closer so I could learn more of her parenting secrets.  I am so proud of you Stacy!  Luke and Baylie are so blessed to have you as their mom!

There is a beautiful park near Stacy's house that we go to to try and get some cute pictures of the kids.  Here are a few of them.

May 6, 2010


I am so far behind in updates it is overwhelming- but I am really going to try to catch up this week.
Several weeks ago we went to my friend Keri's house to hunt for tadpoles.  The kids had a BLAST!  Brett- in true form- went right in the water without any hesitation.  Kate, on the other hand, wanted NOTHING to do with getting dirty- but she still had a good time.  We are now the proud owners of 4 tadpoles.  The kids love them and can't wait until they turn into "Ribbits".

I might not want to get dirty, but I sure do look cute!
Hunting for a tadpole
Even a princess can hunt for tadpoles :)
The boys having fun 
Two of our new tadpoles
Watching them swim