October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

We had a very busy, fun day today.  It started off with music class- all the kids got to wear their costumes.  I really didn't think Brett was going to wear his but once he saw all the other kids in their costumes he was fine.  We then went with several friends to the square downtown.  All the shops hand out candy for the kids- very crowded but also very fun!  After nap it was back out for a hayride around our neighborhood and trick or treating.  We had a very, very, very fun day- and I know a little boy who is going to sleep well tonight (at least I hope so).

Music class
Trick-or-treating downtown (the best picture I could get)
Yum!  Which one should I get momma?
Can we do this every night?
Hey- there's Nana and Boo Boo!
Look what I got momma!
Kaleigh chasing Brett around our yard
The fam
Momma's little lion
Kaleigh and Brett

To say that Brett loved Halloween would be a huge understatement.  He shocked us both at how much he loved it.  Our little lion would run from house to house carrying his pumpkin and saying "treat" all the way up to the door.  After the first few houses he caught on quick and would walk right up and knock on the door.  When he saw that someone was coming he would start laughing and "jumping" up and down.  All this excitement- and the kid doesn't even know what candy is.  Well, we changed that tonight and Brett got his first candy bar- a Kit Kat which he devoured.   We had a blast- I was not expecting it to be this much fun.  I am already looking forward to next year!


marissa said...

Yeah- he wore the costume!! Looks like fun!

Mack said...

Cute - I love his little costume - It is SO much fun - for parents and kids :) :) Glad you guys were all feeling better and had a great time!