April 5, 2009

Egg Hunt #2

On Friday we had an egg hunt at our house for some of my friends and their kids- about 50 people came!  If you live in the south, you know that it has rained non-stop the past few days- so we had to move all the festivities into our garage.  Thankfully, it was dry enough for the egg hunt itself.  We had a great time- and the Easter Bunny even came!  All the kids were beyond excited to see him- all except Brett that is.  He was hysterical and wouldn't even stay in the backyard with him.  He ran up the steps into the house and would not come out until he was gone.  Needless to say, he is not a fan of people dressed up in costumes (remember Winnie the Pooh).  The funniest thing is that Brian asked Brett what his favorite part of the party was and he said the bunny.  And he keeps asking me to show him the pictures of the bunny- crazy kid!  The kids played with Play-doh, made egg shakers, played an egg guessing game, made bunny salads, and colored.  I am so thankful that Brett has such wonderful friends to play with.  They are all very anxious to meet Kate too.  In fact, my sweet friend Andra has a 5 year old little girl, Chloe and they prayed for Kate on the way to our house.  Chloe said, "I have a friend named Kate at my school too- now I have two Kate's to love."  How sweet is that!!!!

Look at this cute basket my friend Sharon made.  Those are rice krispy pops sticking out- which the kids loved! (and look at the bottom left corner- see that little hand getting a marshmallow- yep- that would be Brett!  I won't let him eat marshmallows because of the chocking hazard- but I guess he found a way to sneak one in!)

Making the bunny salad
The bunny salad (pears, cheese, raisins, and a cherry)

Mary Joy adding the nose
Making the egg shakers (or should I say making a mess!)
Playing with the play-doh

Andra with our huge basket of eggs to hide (there were a ton!!!!)

And they're off!!
Brett running down the backyard for the egg hunt- when he got to the bottom of the hill he threw the basket down and started to climb his swing set- he could care less about the eggs.
The Easter Bunny! (aka my friend Susan's husband)

1 comment:

e said...

you are SO creative and cute!! How fun!!! Jack's birthday is on Easter next year so I really might have to look back on this post and get some ideas!!
I sent you the link to a new blog design on facebook. Here it is:

Happy Easter!!