October 26, 2009

DIagnosis for Dad

We got the pathology report back from Dad's surgery today.  They did find cancer in one of his lymph nodes so he will have to have chemotherapy.  Dad was really hoping that he would not have to go through that,  but we are thankful that it was only in one lymph node.  Please continue praying for my sweet, sweet dad.  The major hurdle is behind us, but we do still have a long journey ahead of us.  Also be praying that he gets to come home tomorrow.  He is beyond ready to get out of the hospital.


Joanne said...

You have all been on my mind constantly and in my prayers. Glad the news is so encouraging. I cannot imagine how hard this must be to go through for all of you especially at such a happy time in your lives. But I am thinking Brett and Kate will be the BEST medicine that you can give him. I know my grandchildren give me energy and so much joy. I love the way you write about your dad. He is a sweetheart and I know the Lord and the love of his family will give him all the strength he needs to beat this thing!

Poodle said...

Been waiting to hear about the report - not the very best news - but not bad!! Trust that he was finally able to get some sleep. Once he's home - he will sleep really good. Love to all - Jim & Patti

Traci Kalish said...

Praying for rest for all of you! Hang in there, you can do this! Your Dad is right, just a bump in the road. He WILL pull through this! We love you!

Mack said...

we are praying my sweet friend for all you - love you so so much - i am praying each time i change levi's diaper - just as you and brett did for sweet levi - know we are here whatever you need - steve shared at church on sunday so everyone at anchor is praying - sean is keeping PCA updated. love you lots -

Mommynurse said...

We are praying. I'm sorry to hear that it is in a lymph node, and that he will have to go through chemo. Continuing to believe for grace and strength for the whole family. Love you!

JFerg said...

Still praying. Love to you all!

Colleen said...

Thank you for the update Amybeth. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if you need anything...even if it's just to sit with you guys in the hospital waiting area if needed. I'd be happy to watch the kids there if you need alone time with your daddy too! Love you.

marissa said...

I'm praying!