October 3, 2009


We are home!!!!! Our family of four has been united and, as I type this, are all sitting in the kitchen eating donuts- life is good!
Our welcome home at the airport is something I will store in my memory forever.  I will do a detailed post about it when I get more pictures from everyone, but here are a few pictures to prove that we made it home.
Thanks for your prayers.  Keep praying!


Kim said...

Congratulations Amybeth! I've been reading and following and showing James who is now 14 1/2!!! Can you believe it. He thought she was precious.
Tell your mom hi for me and again, congratulations!
Kim Huston

Donna Strebe said...

oh amybeth, i'm SOO excited for ya'll! SOOOO good to see the 4 of you together! i can't imagine how exhausted ya'll are being on a different time zone and all the travel. I will pray!

Mack said...

Oh - I am just crying looking at all these pictures! Can hardly wait to hear more details! Love ya!!!!

marissa said...

AMYBETH!! such cute pictures! I really can't believe what a peanut Kate is compared to Brett:) Thanks for posting the pics-looks like a party!

Beth Robinson said...

Finally Four! So glad you are all safe and home! The pic of Brett hugging Kate and the "I'm your big brother sign"...so sweet! Can't wait to see you all in person!

The Simple Things said...

LOVE THE PHOTOS of all FOUR of you!
I know you are up to your ears in little ones, laundry, reentry and just staring at your new life:)
I love you and look forward to chatting once you are rested. So happy for you all. Soak in every moment. Kisses to Brett and Kate.
Aunt Katie G and the girls

Colleen said...

Okay, so JT and I are on our anniversary trip and I HAD to check your blog! What a beautiful family picture! I can only imagine the excitement in the air and tears of joy when Brett got to hug Kate for the first time! Love you guys!

e said...

HOORAY!!!! i've been so eager to read this post! I can't wait to hear every single detail!!!

Lindsay said...

SOOOO precious!!! Glad y'all are home safely...and all finally together!!! Hope to see y'all soon!

Emily Anne said...

Oh wow!! All four together!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!! She definitely fits in with the family!!!!
love you guys!! Congrats!!!!

Unknown said...

So exciting!!! She is beautiful. I can hardly believe how natural she looks around you guys. It looks like she has known Brian all of her life. I can't wait to hear about the home coming. If I know your mom it was the most special event for everyone especially Brett.

YEAHHHHHH!!!!! I mean I just want to scream with excitement for you. You are going to LOVE being a family of 4. I am so excited to see Brett move into the role of big brother. Let me know what you need. Love you.

Beth Robinson said...

Ok, I'm used to getting my daily "Kate fix" you've got to post something!! I mean, I'm sure you're not busy with 2 toddlers....

Mommynurse said...

I somehow lost the feed on your blog, so I am just now catching up on all of this wonderful news. I have been praying for Kate for so many years, and it is a true joy to finally see your family together. The Chowning family is thrilled for the whole family. It is a true testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness. Thank you for all of the updates (even though I didn't get them in real time, I have spent the afternoon reading every word)!