November 4, 2009

Please read this

Our computer has been down for almost a week now (which is killing me because I have not been able to upload Halloween pictures), but before I write a new post- please, please, please go here and read the post sweet Paige wrote about my mom.  And for those of you who know my mom- get a tissue out.  I have a blog because I love to post pictures of my kids- but I must admit that I really, really, really dislike writing.  Paige, on the other hand, is an amazing writer.  She has such a way with words.  In fact, after reading the post she did featuring my mom, you will probably add her blog to your bookmarks- yes- she is that good.  Thank you, Paige, for writing such a beautiful tribute to my mom.  And mom- I am so proud of you!


Joanne said...

You're right. I cried. It was beautiful and says so much about your amazing Mom. She is inspiring and she, your dad, and your entire family are in my prayers every morning.

katie purcell said...

i finally got in
( your mama let me use her password )
i was so thrilled to hear miss kate is here!!
i've been honored to pray for ya'll over the years
& consider a huge blessing to have been mentored by your sweet mama

your cup overfloweth is so many ways sweet girl!

praying for your sweet daddy daily
love to ya'll

katie purcell said...

oops...that's me, paige

i forgot that i was logged in as katie

Stacy Okland said...

you are right...that was amazing! I know all who know your mom would agree with that tribute 110%.
Love you AB and Miss Katie!!

Emily McGlone said...

That was so sweet!! Your entire family is amazing! I love you all!! Tell your parents I said hey and that I miss them (and you) a lot!!

Colleen said...

I'm an emotional sap this morning! What beautiful and uplifting words those were. I feel encouraged this morning. Thank you Amybeth for sharing your friend's blog. Thank you Paige for sharing your heart! It's such a blessing to have those types of mentors in your life....what an amazing testimony to your mom.