March 17, 2010

Happy Kate-a-versary and Happy Heart-a-versary

It is hard to believe that six months ago today my daughter was placed into my arms for the first time.  It is hard to believe because I feel like she has been with us for so much longer than that.  When I look back at the pictures from that day I almost don't even recognize my sweet girl.  She came in kicking and screaming (literally).  Little did we know how smart she was and that she really understood what was going on.  She was so scared and mellow that first day- but by that night she was "coming out of her shell" and showing us her cute little personality.  The first time she smiled was when we brought out the bubbles- I will never look at bubbles the same again.  
I am not going to lie- the first few months we were home were hard.  Learning to love and get to know how a toddler "ticks" is tricky- but I really feel like we have reached the other side now and I can't imagine life without my sweet, sweet girl.  Kate has such a sweet heart and it has been a pure joy to watch her heart blossom as she learns to trust us more and more.  She is one very special little girl and I am amazed every day that God chose me to be her mom.

Mommy and Daughter at last- look how solemn she is
My precious girl- what a difference six months make
Today is also Kate's one year Heart-a-versary.  One year ago today the Lord healed her heart through the hands of a surgeon in Beijing.  It is so hard for me to think about Kate going through all of that without her mom by her side.  What I wouldn't have given to be sitting with her, holding her, and singing her to sleep during all of that.  I hope and pray that she was not alone- but if she was I know that she quickly won the hearts of every doctor and nurse in the hospital.  Kate makes every one she meets smile- a quality that I hope she keeps her whole life. To celebrate today we made heart shaped cookies and are making a heart shaped pizza (Kate's favorite food) for dinner.  Below are some pictures of her with one of the cookies.  Yes, I know there are a ton of them but she is just so stinkin' cute that I couldn't narrow them down any more.  

Laughing at her big brother- who she ADORES!
Georgia trying to sneak in for a bite
Oh no Mommy!  Georgia is trying to eat my "ookie"

You mean I can really eat it????

Sharing with Georgia...
and with Brett
My happy, happy, happy girl
I don't know what she is saying here- but I thought her face was so cute
Brett went upstairs to get a drink and Kate blew him a kiss
and he blew her a kiss back.  As much as she adores her big brother- he equally adores her.  Watching the way they love each other amazes me every single day.  All I can say is the Lord prepared both of their hearts for each other- because the love they have for each other has no explanation- God did it.  Just today I picked them up from the nursery at Bible Study and the very first thing she said to me was, "Mommy, Ge-Ge(that is what she calls him- it means big brother in Chinese) took care of me".  My heart is so full.


Stacy Robinson said...

Thanks for sharing your anniversary thoughts, and the beautiful pictures! Your precious little girl is a reminder to me every time I see her of just how awesome God is, and how perfect His will and timing are (even though we would like to hurry Him along sometimes, right?) :) I will get to tell you in peron one day soon (I am praying!) just what a lifeline your posts have been for me over the past 5 months--a lifeline to hope and a reminder that God never fails to keep His promises to us. God has used you to remind me that there is both joy and pain in the midst of His will, but ultimately the joy prevails. I have not been much of a talker these past five months--my energy has been focused somewhere else--but not a day has gone by that I have not thought of you and drawn strength from knowing you are my friend and you are praying for us. Take care, and give your sweet girl (and boy) an anniversary kiss from me! I love you! Stacy

Joanne said...

Such a beautiful story is being written by God for your very special family. Your sweet boy and your sweet girl are the way it is supposed to be....a witness to His love for us and His plan for our lives that is always better than our plan for our lives! The best part is how much you treasure these little ones in your heart and how you give God all the glory! Again...thank you for sharing your story with us! I am so grateful for the joy and love I see in your lives. God bless you, Brian, and your handsome Brett and your beautiful Kate!

Traci Kalish said...

Every word in your recent post is like I am living your life. i couldn't agree more with everything you said! God is Good and our wait for these precious girls has finally all been worth it!!!