March 16, 2010

The Skinner family....

Toy Story style!

As I have mentioned before, Brett loves Toy Story (even though he has only seen it once) and has given every member of our family a character.  He no longer calls them "Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and Bullseye" but Brett, Daddy, Kate and Mommy.  So without further ado- here we all are...

Brett staring as "Woody"
Kate staring as "Jessie"

Daddy staring as "Buzz Lightyear"
Mommy staring as "Bullseye"- don't ask me why I got so "lucky" to be the horse.
And here they are- Woody and Buzz


Stacy Robinson said...

Too cute! You look good as a horse! I am keeping my fingers crossed that April 10th works out! I can't wait! Give Woody and Jesse a hug and kiss for me, and tell Buzz hello! Love you all! Stacy

The Simple Things said...

That makes me and Cammie smile:)
Your family is too cute
hugs from cali