August 9, 2010

Toy Story 3

As you know, our sweet boy LOVES all things Toy Story- so we have been counting down the days to the release of Toy Story 3. We got tickets early and planned a "Mommy-Daddy-Brett" date for opening night. (Kate is not a big fan of movies) We have not done anything with just Brett since Kate got home, so we were really looking forward to his special night. We let him pick the restaurant and he picked La Parilla- our favorite mexican place. The first thing he did when we walked in was pick out a balloon to take home to Kate- sweet brother. After dinner we waited in line for 45 minutes to get into the theater (crazy huh). We all liked the movie and had so much fun spending time with our little guy. On the way home I asked Brett if he had fun having Mommy and Daddy all to himself and he said, "No, I missed Kate". Can you believe that!!!! They really do love each other so much!
Getting ready to go
Horrible picture- but had to include it anyway. This is Brett and Kate kissing each other
In front of the movie
Ready for the movie to start. How cute is he taking all of his stuffed animals in with him. Oh I could just eat him up!!!

1 comment:

Jessica Kotrla said...

I love seeing little boys and their stuffed beings. Brett has always had a soft heart. I miss you guys.