September 23, 2009

Day Eight- Hutong tour and Silk Market

We have a guest blogger tonight - Brian. Amybeth is so tired that she asked me to write so if it is not as good you can just blame me.

Rolling right along here in Beijing. Kate was not her normal outgoing self today...she has a cold and just did not feel great all day. She had a fever tonight of just over 100. Pray that she feels better and that her fever goes away before we go to the airport on Friday because they have temperature sensors and will not let her fly if she has a fever. We hope that she will be fine tomorrow.

I cannot begin to tell you how incredible the weather has been here. Blue skies, clean air, perfect temperatures and no humidity. We could not ask for more perfect weather. We keep reading about the Atlanta flood. We cannot remember Atlanta ever getting rain like that.

We went on a Hutong tour today which is basically a fancy way of saying we saw a traditional Chinese village. They said that there used to be a couple of thousand of these and now they are down to just a couple of hundred. It has been fascinating learning about the Chinese culture. We ate lunch in one of the homes on the tour. It was really good. The kitchen the lady was cooking in was about 4 feet by 4 feet. Pretty small.

Some random things about China that I find intriguing...the people are very friendly but there are no manners when it comes to lines or crossing the street. It is every man for himself. They do not waste anything. You go to McDonald's (there are no Chick-fil-A's yet in China although if we could figure out the logistics I think Chick-fil-A would kill it here) and you get one napkin, one ketchup packet. They will give you more if you ask but they do not waste things. Everything seems a little smaller in China to me.

There are NO doughnuts here! All of their pastries are dry and flavorless. The average salary in Beijing and larger cities in China is around $9,000 a year. Everything is cheap here. Since most things are made in China they don't have to ship them. Two combo meals at McDonald's cost around $5 total. Groceries are a fraction of the cost in the US. Starbucks opens at 10am. Every business has 2-3 times the employees that the US would have.

Back to our day...

In the afternoon we went to the Silk Market. It is six floors of dozens of merchants who sell just about everything you can imagine. It is good to know the rules of the game before you enter because it is crazy in there. There are dozens of young Chinese girls in their early 20's who are some of the most aggressive sales people you have ever seen. They almost attack you as you walk by trying to get you to buy something. Once you find what you want the bargaining begins. The first price they offer you is ridiculous. You end up paying 20 - 30% of the original price they quote you. You would just have to see this to believe it. We left with quite a few things but I was most excited about a Spider Man outfit for Brett that cost us $5.

Tomorrow is our last full day in Beijing. We go pick up Kate's Chinese passport and take a tour of the Chinese Capitol Building. Then we pack up Friday morning and fly to Guangzhou where we hear that it is around a 100 degrees.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support. We feel like we have truly been blessed with Kate and all the details of our trip. It has just been amazing!

Kate loves her Snow White doll, Brett!
The rickshaws

All ready for a ride

Some of the sights from the town

Fast asleep holding Daddy's hand

Apparently it is very lucky to have a pet cricket outside of your house. They house them in little cages- like a bird- and treat them like pets.

On of the houses that we got to tour

We ate lunch with a local family- in their home- and they cooked for us. Here is the lady making dumplings.

She gave Kate a piece of dough so she could try to make a dumpling too.

All the girls with our wonderful cook.

One tired and sick little girl


The Simple Things said...

Brian, loved hearing from you about your girl, the trip, the culture and the food:) We are so proud of you guys and the way you have handled each step of this big adventure. We will pray for little Kate today and for healing as you go on the next part of your journey. Hugs from all of us here. Love, Katie and the Garrett Gang

Joanne said...

So you are a wonderful story teller too---and now I know more about China. I was especially interested in the cricket story and will have to share that one with my granddaughters. Brian, you are the best daddy and I love the photo where she is holding your hand. So sorry she has the temp and will be praying that it goes away before travel time. Please give Amybeth a hug from me---if she is so tired she can't blog, then I know she is exhausted. Then again, it has been a very emotional, busy adventure. Thank you for sharing your stories and your wonderful adventure. Kate is lovely!

Mack said...

Poor Kate - praying she will feel better quickly! Great job blogging Brian!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice job Brian - a note for the flying - give her some tylenol about an hour before you go the airports - they will also check her temperature when you enter HOng Kong on your way home -

praying for a fully recovered Kate and a happy flight!

marissa said...

I will be praying for Kate's temp. Loved the China facts:)

Christy said...

Praying that Kate is feeling better. I know she has got to be exhausted. I know yall are too. So glad things are going well. The pictures are incredible. Brian, we enjoyed your blog. Thanks for letting all of us be a part of this with you. The updates are so exciting. Love and hugs from all of us.

Stacy Robinson said...

Hey Brian! You did a great job with Day 8! It is great to hear from you. Cliff is out of town right now (not as out of town as you are!) but he asks about you when he calls. Should I mention the Chick-fil-A in China idea to crazy as work is right now, maybe I'll leave that one to you! Anyway, I am praying for Kate to get well, for you and Amybeth to stay well (and to get more rest) and for the journey to continue smoothly. Give both of your girls a hug and kiss for me, and take care! Love, Stacy

Wells said...

Have fun in the lines at the airport. I had to finally get really aggressive to get in the line. The elevators are fun too...once the elevator is so completely stuffed that you are sure no one else will fit, 10 more people push in...and there's always one or two who are smoking-- IN the elevator. Good times!

Praying for Kate. Ditto on the Tylenol suggestion. It'll ensure that you get on the plane. Take some Advil or Tylenol yourselves if you think there's a chance you might have a temp. too.

Can't wait for you to get to Guangzhou. Buy LOTS of shoes!

Traci Kalish said...

Nice job, Brian...but doesn't surprise us, we know personally how gifted you are with words. The same thing happened to Macy, she got really sick with fever and cold. It all worked out and they still made it home. Hang in there, it is coming to an end!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you guys for sharing your journey with us all! We didn't go to Beijing last year, so it's nice to get a little of it through your eyes. Enjoy the comfortable temps while you can...the humidity will engulf you in Guangzhou this time of year. Praying that sweet Kate (and Mommy,too) will feel better today!

Stacy Okland said... did just as good as AB!:) We love hearing from you. nice little tidbits on China and culture.

Praying for Kate and the temp!

Love you guys