December 23, 2008

Move over Michael Jordan

Brett is "all boy" and loves to play with balls.  He has recently really gotten into basketball.  I bought him this basketball hoop at a garage sale for $1 (which is why it looks so bad).  It is a little too tall for him- but he loves it anyway.  He is really going to love the new basketball hoop that Santa is going to bring him!!

December 19, 2008

Now I know my ABC's

** I am working on the video- I can't get it to post.***
Thanks to the Letter Factory video- Brett has started learning his letter sounds.  I know that they aren't all perfect- but I was still pretty impressed.  I thought that he just knew the sounds- but he now points to letters everywhere - on his sippy cup, in his books, at the store- and makes the correct letter sounds.  The teacher in me is quite impressed that he knows his letters and letter sounds already.  Sorry for the video quality.  I don't know how to download videos from our video camera so this was taken with our normal camera.

December 2, 2008


Sorry for the unannounced "blogcation".  I know it has been forever since I have updated.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our families- and an even more wonderful Saturday as we watched the Jackets beat the Bulldogs!!!!  We are a house "divided"- Brian went to Georgia, and my dad went to Georgia Tech- so that is always a big game for us.  Georgia had a seven year winning streak - so for as long as I have known Brian the Bulldogs have won.  It was nice to be on the winning side for once!  Here are just a few pictures from the last few weeks.  I will try to do better at updating- sorry to the two or three of you who actually check our website.

Brett loves playing the Wii.  We think it is hysterical.

Brett really loves his Uncle "Wob".
My handsome boys
Momma's boy