November 26, 2009

November 21, 2009

This one is for you, Erin!

So I have been asked to write a post about Kate's language development.  To sum it up in one word it would be amazing.  When I tell people that she has only been home for 6 weeks they are shocked.  She is quite the talker- and repeats EVERYTHING I say- so she will be caught up with her brother in no time.  She also understands just about everything I say to her- which is even more amazing.  I sometimes have to catch myself and remember that English is not her first language.  Some things that she says are:
-Hold you Mommy (I hear this A LOT)
- More please Mommy
-All done Mommy
-Bye, Bye
-Night, night
-Sit down Mommy
-Come on Mommy
-Color- when she wants to color
-Play- when she wants to play with Playdoh
-Georgia (our dog- this was her first word)
- Nana- Brian's mom who she LOVES!!
-Ma and Daddy Bob- my parents who live on a gravel road.  The second we hit the gravel she starts saying, "Ma, Daddy Bob"
-Hurt or Boo-Boo
-Picture- which she says when she gets dressed in something she thinks is cute and she asks me to take her picture
-Car- she loves to ride in the car and laughs when I put her in her carseat!
-And I saved the best for last- what makes me crack up is when she says"No Sir Brett"- while she is pointing her finger at him, and "Brett 1,2,3" because I count so much to get him to do something.  I think she might think his name is Brett 123. :)

-She rarely says just one word.  She knows all of the above words but usually puts them together in a sentence- for example- she doesn't say "Milk", she says, "Milk please Mommy" and she almost always tells me thank you when I give her something.  Sweet girl.

-She has also started singing "Jesus loves me" with me when I rock her at nap and bedtime.  I sing it to her at least twice a day and have since we got home, but she just this week started singing with me.  She also likes to sing "Happy Birthday"- which she sings "Happy to you".  She LOVES to talk on the phone and lights up with a huge smile when I let her.  I think I might be in trouble when she is a teenager.

I will try to get a video of her talking or singing and put it on here soon.  You really would be amazed.

November 17, 2009

2 months

Two months ago today a very scared and sad little girl walked into our hotel room and became our daughter.  She grieved hard that first day, but it has been all uphill since then.  She is the happiest little girl and has filled our life with so much joy.  We can't believe that she has only been with us for two months- it feels like she has always been a part of our family.  She has transitioned without any hiccups and is the perfect addition to the Skinner family.  Brett and Kate love each other and do not want to spend any time away from each other.  If one of them wakes up before the other they constantly ask where the other one is.  It has been a joy to watch them bond.  Brett has transitioned into his role as big brother without a hiccup as well.  I am so proud of him.  He really does love her and has had very little jealousy issues.  It has gone WAY better than I could have ever hoped for.  We are so blessed.
Kate loves to be the center of attention.  When she knows that all eyes are on her she just lights up.  It is so fun to watch her.  She really is so happy.  She laughs and smiles almost all day long.  She continues to eat well and has gained 2 pounds since coming home!  She is also a wonderful sleeper and sleeps 12 hours most nights.  She loves to dance and sing.  She also loves to put on jewelry and shoes and wear purses and makes sure we don't go out of the house without a bow in her hair (that's my girl!).  We are still so amazed at how perfect she is.  God has richly blessed us with you Kate!
Happy 2 month Family Day sweet girl!  We love you!

Holding Kate for the first time.  One scared and unhappy little girl.

My girl!  Wow what a difference 2 months make!

November 15, 2009

Rock Ranch

One of my favorite places to go is the Rock Ranch.  Brian always teases me because I get so excited when we get to go.  Brett is an old pro at the Rock Ranch- but it was Kate, Ma, and Daddy Bob's first time to go.  We had a great time enjoying the perfect weather and watching the kids ride the fun rides.  Kate was hesitant to do everything at first, but warmed up quickly and loved everything.  She is doing amazing.  She is the happiest little girl and is so much fun.  We are having a blast being a family of four.

Brett showing Ma and Daddy Bob around
Riding in the cow cars
I LOVE this picture- and they LOVE eachother
Kate having the best time
Hey Ma!
Having fun in the corn house
Holding the bunny
Brett riding Cheerio- he rode Cheerio when we came in August and was so excited that he was still there
Kate riding her first horse
Daddy Bob and Brett
What a cutie
Ma and Brett
Waiting for the train to come
Brett's favorite thing of the day.  They had monster trucks there the day we went and Brett has not stopped talking about them since.  He lines up his cars and jumps over them with his monster truck- what a boy!

November 8, 2009

Halloween (finally)

We had a great Halloween.  It started off with a party at my friends house on Thursday morning, followed by another party on Friday night, and finally Trick-or-Treating on Saturday. We went to my parents neighborhood to trick-or-treat this year.  They live in an amazing neighborhood of about 100 homes on a gravel road that all circle around a lake.   The neighborhood put together a hay ride for the kids.  We loaded up on the hayride and road around the neighborhood.  All the neighbors came to the end of their driveways to hand out the candy so we didn't even have to get off the hayride to get candy.  It was awesome.  And Mommy let Brett and Kate eat candy for dinner- Brett was in heaven.  We got more candy than we could eat in 5 years! Brett and Kate loved it all.  

Howdy Partner!
Listening to a story at the Thursday morning party
Coloring pumpkins

Daddy with his two cowboys
Aren't they so cute
Group shot at the Friday night party
Brett playing with his glow stick
Kate making her princess pumpkin
Brett making his pirate pumpkin

So proud of their pumpkins
Carving the pumpkin
This is what Kate thought of carving the pumpkin.  Brian said the caption should be "Halloween is scary!"  Kate does NOT like getting her hands dirty.
She got used to it after a while though

Love this one- look how much taller Brett is than Kate

Heading out to Trick-or-Treat- the camera got left at home so I don't have any pictures of the actual event.
The loot!!!

November 4, 2009

Please read this

Our computer has been down for almost a week now (which is killing me because I have not been able to upload Halloween pictures), but before I write a new post- please, please, please go here and read the post sweet Paige wrote about my mom.  And for those of you who know my mom- get a tissue out.  I have a blog because I love to post pictures of my kids- but I must admit that I really, really, really dislike writing.  Paige, on the other hand, is an amazing writer.  She has such a way with words.  In fact, after reading the post she did featuring my mom, you will probably add her blog to your bookmarks- yes- she is that good.  Thank you, Paige, for writing such a beautiful tribute to my mom.  And mom- I am so proud of you!