June 30, 2010

Black and White Wednesday

These pictures were taken on Father's day.  The last two are my favorite.  The one of Kate and Brian simply because it shows their pure joy.  The one of Brett and Daddy Bob because after we were done taking pictures Brett ran over to my dad, put his arm around his leg, and said "Just one more picture Mommy".  I think you can tell from the picture how much he loves his Daddy Bob!

June 22, 2010

First trip to the dentist

Brett and Kate had their first trip to the dentist.  We were worried that Brett had a cavity, but thankfully he did not.  Big brother Brett went first and was so excited that he got to sit in the chair by the Toy Story poster.  He also got to were green glasses- his favorite color.  

Taking a look around his mouth.  All went well until they tried to clean his teeth- then he panicked.  The dentist was awesome, but we had one assistant at his head, one at his feet, and me holding his arms.  He was scared to death- poor thing.  
After Brett recovered the dentist told me that he did not have any cavities, but had a few spots that I needed to watch.  He also has a large overbite (like his mom and dad).
Kate got up in the chair, fake cried for a second because she saw her big brother do that, and then was a champ.  She acted like she had done this every day of her life.  
She was so brave and held her mouth wide open the whole time.  
When the dentist was finished with her, he told me that her teeth were "textbook perfect".  He said her teeth looked great, her bite was perfect, and her teeth were in perfect alignment.  I said, "So what you are telling me is that my child that has my genes has not so great teeth, and my child that does not have my genes has perfect teeth."  He laughed and said, "Yes, that is pretty much it."  

June 16, 2010

Picking strawberries

It has become a tradition to pick strawberries every year and make jelly.  This year, we were happy to have an extra set of hands to help us pick.  Kate caught on very quickly and was a strawberry picking pro.  Brett, however, was the master.  He filled up an entire bucket by himself.  He was so proud of himself.  We picked enough to make over 20 jars of jelly, plus plenty left over to freeze for our smoothies.  Even Miss Kate, who does not like fruit, ate some strawberries.

Kate trying to pick up the bucket
Brett showing her how it is done
Brett's bucket- half way there
Taking a break
Picking with his friend Mary Joy
Sneaking a taste- there is a man that works there and walks up and down the aisles making sure no one is eating the strawberries while you are picking them.  Personally I think this is just wrong- part of the fun of picking them yourself is getting to eat a few along the way.  So, I did what every law-abiding mom would do- I let him eat every bite of this strawberry!!
Kate showing off her strawberry
Working hard to find a strawberry
Cute thing waiting for a kiss
"Please try a bite Kate.  It is good"

Kaleigh's game

My sweet niece Kaleigh plays softball and invited us to a game.  Brett and Kate ADORE Kaleigh- who they call Kaka.  Kaleigh played great- and even hit a home run!!!  Thanks for letting us come Kaleigh!
Brett was fascinated 

Isn't she the prettiest softball player you have ever seen?

Brett and Kate love Kaleigh

Running the bases- Brett thought this was wonderful

Kate joining in on the action
About 10 minutes after these pictures were taken Brett threw up ALL OVER the car.  It was not a pretty sight (or a pretty smell for that matter).  Poor thing.

June 8, 2010

Disney- Day Four and Five

Day Four we decided to go to Epcot.  Our day started with all of the main characters.  Mickey was first.  Brett was very proud to show him his stuffed animal of Mickey.

Brett giving Pluto a hug
Minnie Mouse- Brett would not get his picture made with her- funny boy
Mulan- she thought Kate was the cutest thing and spent 5 minutes with her (I am sure the people behind us did not appreciate that).  She gave Kate a kiss on her cheek that stayed on the whole day.  
Making masks in China.  While "in" China we got Kate some potstickers.  This girl LOVES any kind of noodle.  I think she could out-eat Brian in a noodle eating contest.

Brett is into making campfires these days.  He makes them in our backyard, and decided that Epcot needed a campfire too.
In front of Peter Pan and the the alligator.  Brett actually asked me to take this picture.
By day five we were all exhausted and decided to take it easy in the morning and then go see a parade at night.  So, we decided to go swimming.  Kate had never gone swimming before so we weren't sure how she would like it but she did great. (and looked mighty cute too!) 
Her favorite part of the pool was splashing Daddy.
Ready for our last day at the park
Riding Toy Story one last time

"To infinity and beyond"
We had the BEST time at Disney.  The kids still talk about it every day.  Good thing we get to go back in January for Daddy's marathon.  They are already talking about what park we are going to first and what rides we are going to ride.  Let the countdown begin!!