January 4, 2010


 We had a wonderful Christmas this year.  Brett and Kate are at such fun ages for Christmas.  Everything was new to Kate, and the first time Brett could really understand what was going on.  They both loved it all- the lights, the decorations, the parties, making a birthday cake for Jesus, and waking up to see that Santa came.  We also had a very busy Christmas.  My brother stayed with us Dec. 23-25, my best friend Stacy and her husband and two kids stayed with us Dec. 26-29th and then Brett came down with the Swine Flu on Dec. 30th.  So from Dec. 30th- Jan. 2 Brett and I stayed upstairs and Brian and Kate stayed downstairs so Kate wouldn't get it as well.  Thankfully our plan worked and no one else got it.  Poor little guy had strep throat, croup and the swine flu all in the month on December.  I am ready for him to be well.  My friend Marissa also came to visit from Jan. 5-7.  So, that is the reason for the "blog break".  I have several posts that I need to do this week to catch up- including my sweet boy's 3rd birthday (can you believe he is 3!)

Anna Grace and Andrew came to make cookies with us.  The girls made a few cookies- the boys, on the other hand, just ate the dough!

Several of my friends and their kids went to a nursing home to make crafts and sing to the residents there.  We had so much fun.  They loved seeing our sweet little ones.
Singing for everyone
Making crafts at our "Happy Birthday Jesus" party.  Brett was so excited that he was going to meet Jesus.  When we got to my friend Keri's house he said "Oh Boy- where is Jesus mommy?"  Sweet boy!
Making ornaments for the birds

Hanging their ornaments
Brian and I took Brett and Kate to "Disney's Rockin' Road Show" a few days before Christmas.  Brett LOVES Toy Story and Woody, Buzz, and Jessie were all in the show.  

My sweet babies the night before Christmas.  Oh how I love them!

Milk for Santa- I am sure he loved the cup that got picked out for him- and the fact that Kate "helped" him drink it.
Cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.
What Santa brought for Brett
What Santa brought for Kate
Coming down the stairs Christmas morning
Kate's first glimpse of Christmas morning
Brett looks at his presents
Kate finds her baby
Kate gets a chair to match her brother's chair
Brett got a soccer ball, a goal, and shin guards.  He, to my knowledge, has never seen or heard of shin guards before.  I have no idea how he knew what they were or how to put them on.
Kate "eating" her play pizza
All Brett asked for for Christmas was a big Monster Truck.  He was SO EXCITED when he walked into our garage and found this (thanks Ma and Daddy Bob)
Testing out his new wheels
Playing in the yard
Kate and Uncle Rob
Ma and Kate
Kenzie and Kate
Testing out the wheels again
The truck is only big enough for one person, but Brett insisted that Kate ride with him- how do you say no to that?  This is one of my very favorite pictures.
Are they cute or what!


katie purcell said...

this made my heart very happy.
thank you for giving up your rest time to put pictures on the blog.
love you,

Joanne said...

Loved the photos and loved being able to see what Kate's first Christmas was like. Missed your blog and am so sorry to find out you had to deal with so much illness. Glad all is well now with your wonderful family. Very very special! Happy 2010!

Stacy Robinson said...

The pictures are wonderful, and I loved hearing about your Christmas! It brought back very sweet memories of when mine were that small! Every time I see Kate, I am reminded of how faithful God is, and how His plan sometimes takes longer than we want to be fulfilled. I need to be reminded of those things! Thanks for sharing your sweet babies with us! Give everyone hugs and kisses until I can finally do it myself! Love you! Stacy

Joanne said...

I love your new family photo for your blog. What a cool cool family!!! Words fail me.