March 8, 2010

Doctor visits

We recently had Brett's 3 year old check-up and Kate's heart doctor and vaccination catch-up visits.  Brett was so proud to be three and answered all of Dr. Carter's questions like a pro.  He was in the 80th percentile for weight and the 99th percentile for height!!!!  Dr. Carter said if he had to guess he would guess that Brett would be between 6'3 and 6'4 when he was fully grown!!!!!  I can't believe that my baby boy is going to be so much taller than me one day.
Kate had to get 3 more shots (she has already had 3- and still has 2 more to go bless her heart).  I let Brett stay in the room while Kate got her shots.  He held her hand and when she started crying he started singing "Oh how He loves you and me" to her- my heart melted right out of my chest right then and there.  What a sweet boy- I am so thankful that he loves his sister so much!  He takes such good care of her.  And she adores him too.  What an answered prayer!
We also went back to the Pediatric Cardiologist to have a check-up on Kate's heart.  The echo was perfect and they found some trace amounts of pulmonary hypertension on the EKG- which the doctor was not concerned about at all.  He said worst case scenario Kate would have some side effects when she was in her 50's- but he seriously doubted that she would ever have any trouble with her heart again.  Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!  I know that He has great things planned for that sweet heart of hers.
And just because I can not do a post without a picture- here is one from Ma and Daddy Bob's yard.


Joanne said...

Brett holding Kate's hand and singing "Oh how He loves you and me" is one of the sweetest stories I have ever heard----ever! And so happy that the doctor visits went so well. Your little family is thriving. Thank you, Lord!

marissa said...

Glad everything went well! Love that brett sang to her- what a sweet boy! Can't wait to see them again!

Stacy Okland said...

That is the sweetest story I have heard in a LONG time!! Still can't believe how much they have grown to love each other in such a short time. Can't wait to see you guys!!