December 18, 2009

Gingerbread houses

The kids loved making gingerbread houses this year.  I think that more candy ended up in their mouth than on the actual houses- but I guess that is half the fun!

Daddy Bob gets in on the fun
Kate trying to decide if she should put a piece on her house or in her mouth
The house wins
Brett makes sure the icing tastes good
Brett decorating his roof
Mmmm this is good mom
Here- you can have one too
Ma helping out (notice Brett eating in the background)
Brett's finished house
Kate's finished house
The masterpieces
Kate's masterpiece about 10 minutes after I took the last picture

December 11, 2009

A visit to see Santa

We went to the Chick-fil-A Christmas party last weekend to see Santa and had a great time. Brett was so excited and talked about it the whole way up. He now thinks that Santa lives "at Daddy's work". I was so proud of him. He was a little nervous, but he walked right up to Santa, got on his lap, and told him that he wanted a BIG monster truck for Christmas. Kate, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with him- as expected. She reacted the same way Brett did last year- lots of tears. So her first picture with Santa includes Mommy and Daddy- there was no way she was letting go of me- and I certainly wasn't going to make her. Santa gave them a Chick-fil-A cow stuffed animal to take home so now any time someone asks Brett what he wants Santa to bring him for Christmas he says, "A cow"- I get some pretty strange looks from that answer.
An attempt to get a picture in front of the tree

They really do love eachother

Ma and Kate

My babies- or as Brett would correct me- my baby and my big boy

My big boy

Brett got a balloon sword- he LOVED it

Getting his face painted. Kate wanted nothing to do with this either

My niece Kaleigh got to come with us. Brett and Kate love her and she is such a huge help to me.

Eating with Daddy (you can see the attempt the lady made to paint a wreath on her cheek)

Stacy O- this one is just for you!

Kaleigh- isn't she beautiful!

My olive lovin' boy!

December 8, 2009

Kate's first Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family this year.  Brian and I are fortunate to have both of our families close by so we don't have to travel during the holidays- and we get to see both families at each holiday.  We both have been blessed beyond measure with our families.  Of course I love spending time with my family, but I also LOVE spending time with Brian's family.  They welcomed me into their family from day one and I have felt like family ever since (And by day one I mean that Brian's uncle told him after meeting me for the first time that he was going to marry me- yes- his uncle is a wise man! :)
This year was extra special because we had Kate with us.  It is still so hard to believe that this time last year we knew nothing about her, and now she is the perfect fit into our family.  It really does feel like she has been here forever.  We are so thankful that God choose us to be her family.  We will be eternally grateful!

Making turkey cookies
Ma showing Kate how to make them (sorry for the lack of shirt!)
Brett carefully placing his turkey parts

Kate, on the other hand, went straight for the eating!
My cute girl- our friend Beth sent this dress  to Kate- isn't it the cutest thing!!
Ma, Daddy Bob, Brett, and Kate
Aunt Christy and Kate making Playdoh mustaches 

Lindsay and Cara join in on the fun
Carter and Brett
Aunt Julie and Kate (Kate LOVED Aunt Julie)
Kate meeting Mary Frances for the first time