December 11, 2009

A visit to see Santa

We went to the Chick-fil-A Christmas party last weekend to see Santa and had a great time. Brett was so excited and talked about it the whole way up. He now thinks that Santa lives "at Daddy's work". I was so proud of him. He was a little nervous, but he walked right up to Santa, got on his lap, and told him that he wanted a BIG monster truck for Christmas. Kate, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with him- as expected. She reacted the same way Brett did last year- lots of tears. So her first picture with Santa includes Mommy and Daddy- there was no way she was letting go of me- and I certainly wasn't going to make her. Santa gave them a Chick-fil-A cow stuffed animal to take home so now any time someone asks Brett what he wants Santa to bring him for Christmas he says, "A cow"- I get some pretty strange looks from that answer.
An attempt to get a picture in front of the tree

They really do love eachother

Ma and Kate

My babies- or as Brett would correct me- my baby and my big boy

My big boy

Brett got a balloon sword- he LOVED it

Getting his face painted. Kate wanted nothing to do with this either

My niece Kaleigh got to come with us. Brett and Kate love her and she is such a huge help to me.

Eating with Daddy (you can see the attempt the lady made to paint a wreath on her cheek)

Stacy O- this one is just for you!

Kaleigh- isn't she beautiful!

My olive lovin' boy!


Mack said...

As soon as Christmas is over we are setting a DATE to get together - I have to see you and hug you and catch up and place my eyes on Kate and Brett.

We are off to see Mickey for eight days!!! Love you much!!!

The Simple Things said...

I love you. Thanks for letting me into your day. We think of you so often....praying for the whole fam. Great photos of everyone. Hugs from us.

Colleen said...

Love the stories and pictures! I was great cathing up with you and Brian on Saturday. Looking forward to when we can connect again...and meet Kate!

Stacy Okland said...

Digestives! They really had them there! That is crazy!
Diggin the long hair...haven't seen it that long ...since highschool??
Glad you guys had fun. We haven't taken a trip to Santa this year. I just don't know if I am up for it.:)
You get such great family photos all the time. Not sure how! Never seems to work for us.
This is going to be such a fun thing for your kids to read back through when they get bigger.
Love you! Off to bed!

marissa said...

Love the family with santa pic-everyone's looking a different direction-you're right- so classic:)