June 1, 2010

Disney- Day Two

Hollywood Studios- the day that Brett had been waiting for because that is where he could see his all time favorite character- Woody.  As you might remember from the Easter Bunny- Brett is TERRIFIED of anyone in a costume, so I didn't think he would actually let us take a picture of them together.  The first people we saw when we got there were Pluto and Goofy.  The line was very short so we decided to give it a try.  Much to my GREAT surprise Brett did wonderful with the characters.  After we left them he said, "Mommy they weren't scary, they were nice".  Kate was a little hesitant, but followed after her big brothers lead.

Then it was on the to main attraction- The Toy Story ride!  We were all four excited about riding it.  They had a Mr. Potato Head as a comedy act while you waited in line.  He actually talked to Brett- saying "Hey you in the green shirt" - Disney thinks of everything.
Off we go- Mommy and Brett (or should I say Woody and Bullseye) are ready to shoot!

Brett and Daddy riding on the rocket.  It is hard to believe that Brett is going to be as tall as Brian one day!

Kate and Mommy waiting in line to meet Buzz and Woody
The long awaited day was finally here- Brett got to meet Woody.  He went right up to him and gave him a hug without any hesitation.

All that excitement put Kate right to sleep
Brett with one of his other favorite characters- Lightning McQueen

Brett with one of the "green men" from Toy Story.  Brett LOVES the color green right now so he loved this guy.
Waiting for the parade- how cute are they!
Here comes Woody!  We had the perfect seats for the parade.  The float with Jessie and Woody on it stopped right in front of us.
Woody telling us hello!

Woody came right over and gave Brett a high-five!  Of course I was too slow with the camera to get the picture- but here he is right afterwards
Dancing in the street with Brett and Kate
Miss Priss being her normal cute self
And sweet Brett finally giving in to the nap


Emily Anne said...

It looks like y'all had so much fun!! I'm so jealous! I love all the pictures of them holding hands. They are just the sweetest brother and sister!
Also, I absolutely love Kate's outfit from the previous post. The red polka dotted skirt with the matching mickey shirt. Its super cute!!
Your children are just the cutest things!! :D
Love you guys!!

Joanne said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos! Could they be any more adorable! Thank you for posting!