June 16, 2010

Picking strawberries

It has become a tradition to pick strawberries every year and make jelly.  This year, we were happy to have an extra set of hands to help us pick.  Kate caught on very quickly and was a strawberry picking pro.  Brett, however, was the master.  He filled up an entire bucket by himself.  He was so proud of himself.  We picked enough to make over 20 jars of jelly, plus plenty left over to freeze for our smoothies.  Even Miss Kate, who does not like fruit, ate some strawberries.

Kate trying to pick up the bucket
Brett showing her how it is done
Brett's bucket- half way there
Taking a break
Picking with his friend Mary Joy
Sneaking a taste- there is a man that works there and walks up and down the aisles making sure no one is eating the strawberries while you are picking them.  Personally I think this is just wrong- part of the fun of picking them yourself is getting to eat a few along the way.  So, I did what every law-abiding mom would do- I let him eat every bite of this strawberry!!
Kate showing off her strawberry
Working hard to find a strawberry
Cute thing waiting for a kiss
"Please try a bite Kate.  It is good"

1 comment:

Stacy Okland said...

so cute
Looks like it was a fun time.
wish we were closer so we could join the fun!