February 11, 2011

Rock Ranch

I have A LOT of catching up to do- and I do mean A LOT! Thought I would start with this one from my birthday in November. If you read this blog at all you know that I love the Rock Ranch. So, for my birthday we rented a wagon there (see below) and spent the night! The kids (and I) were so excited!! Mom and Dad planned all the delicious meals, and we sat back and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. The first few pictures are of another trip to The Rock Ranch that we took earlier in the fall. The bottom ones are from my birthday weekend.
Brett driving Kate around- 12 more years and he will really be doing this!
Kate trying to drive Brett around. She crashed about 1 second after she started driving every time. Maybe we will wait until she is 20 to let her get her license!
Riding the ponies

Sliding down the tunnel- a favorite for both of them. We did this over, and over, and over again.

They have the cutest little "Tiny Town" there with kid-sized playhouses resembling everything from a bank, to a school house, to a church. Here is Brett making me an ice cream cone at the bakery.
Kate handing out money at the bank
Fireman Brett
Brett playing in the corn house
Mr. Truett Cathy was there that day so we got to get a family picture with him- such a treat!
My boys

Wrestle time with Daddy
Riding the cow cars- hey Kate
Trying to catch a fish. This sweet man got them all set up and Brett got his line caught in a tree. He walked over to the man, tapped him on the shoulder, and said, "Um, excuse me sir, we have a small problem."- I laughed so hard.

Kate trying to pick up a pumpkin
My sweet boy
For those of you who know me well- here is my traditional cookie cake
Bedtime story by flashlight by the campfire
Our wagon where we got to sleep
Kate and Ma trying to stay warm
Brett peeking at us from under his sleeping bag- when we went to bed it was freezing- and I do mean freezing- the temp. in my car said it was 29 degrees!!!- Brett says, "Um, I don't think this was a very wise idea"
See- told you it was freezing- look at all the ice crystals on the napkins
Snack time with Daddy
Daddy Bob making us some hot chocolate
The inside of our wagon
Pumping water- the kids thought this was wonderful
The view
Ma taking Brett and Kate exploring
My sweet husband and me
Uncle Rob showing Brett and Kate the cows up close
Getting a ride on Uncle Rob's shoulders

1 comment:

Jessica Kotrla said...

Looks like you all had fun. I have never been...I'm not so much for the outdoors. Perhaps you've inspired me!