April 1, 2009

Let the egg hunts begin!

On Sunday we went to the first egg hunt of the year- and what an awesome one it was.  It was a helicopter egg drop- you read that right- a helicopter flew over the field and dropped 20,000 eggs onto the ground for the kids to get.  Brett was fascinated.  As you can tell from the pictures- it was freezing.  Brett had on a long sleeve shirt, a sweater, and a fleece.  It was such a fun day though.  Brett knew just what to do- but once he had candy in both hands he was done.  No records set for the number of eggs he got- but he was one happy boy to get candy.  He thoroughly enjoyed his first taste of Nerds.  

Not the best picture- but we one of the few family pictures we have taken lately.
Brian pointing out the helicopter to Brett

If you look closely you can see the eggs coming out of the helicopter
Pointing at the helicopter

More eggs falling
CANDY!  Look at his face- how does he even know what that stuff is anyway?

Checking out his loot (but still firmly holding his two boxes of Nerds)

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Wow! A helicopter egg drop---that is sooooo cool. And the photos are worth a thousand words! Loved your story. Such wonderful memories. A Blessed Easter to you all!