April 13, 2009

Staph + Croup + Spring Break= No fun!

Well- the title pretty much says it all- but this was not a Spring Break that we want to repeat.  My friend Katie, her daughter Anna Grace (8) and son Andrew (2) came to the beach with my mom, Brett and me.  We arrived on Monday afternoon to a breezy and cold beach.  Here are the kids looking longingly at the beach.

Tuesday was FREEZING (as you can tell from the clothes).  We did get to take the kids to a fun playground in Rosemary which they loved.  Little did we know that this would be our only Doctor free/Hospital free day.  
I should have a picture of the doctor's office here- since that is where we spent most of our time- but I didn't think to take one.  On Wednesday morning I called my pediatrician because a spot on Brett's stomach was looking funny.  The nurse said, "That sounds like staph- you need to get him to a doctor right away."  Sure enough, Brett had staph.  By the time we got back to the condo Andrew sounded like he was getting croup- so Katie had to take him to the hospital.  Praise the Lord that my mom went with us and her mom was already down at the beach- I think we would have fallen apart without them.  Thursday morning we did get to go down to the beach for a little while.  The kids had a blast- and my little guy loved the water.
When we came up to eat I checked on Brett's staph again and it was much worse- so we were off to the doctor again!!!  He checked us out and advised us to leave early enough the next morning to see our doctor back home.  So, we grabbed some donuts from the Donut Hole on Friday morning- drove the whole way home only stopping once, and were back at the doctor for the third day in a row.  I have never been so glad to be back home.  I don't think Katie and I got to sit down for even one meal together- crazy!  And wouldn't you know what Brett woke up with on Monday- the croup! Poor little guy!


Joanne said...

How is Brett's staph and coup? You kind of left us dangling? Sorry about the spring break! Bummer.
PS I "stole" the pear Easter bunny for my grandchildren. Annie arranged them and the girls loved them!!!

Heather said...

oh no!!!!!!!!! that is horrible, but one that you will remember!!!!

we had a few vacations with Tucker where every single one was a trip to the doc/hospital with an ear infection ....

this will pass sweet Amy Beth.

Donna Strebe said...

amybeth, that is HORRIBLE, i'm so sorry...we are going to dallas next week, hope that doesn't happen to us:o)

i called and left you a message and i emailed you about HHI...did you get it?