August 17, 2009

100 Days

Today marks 100 days since we got the email that we had been selected to look at Hua La Yu's file.  100 days since we saw this sweet face.  100 days since we found out that we had a daughter- and a sister!  100 days since we had a face to put with the daughter we have dreamed of for so long.  I must say- I didn't know that 100 days could go by so slow.  Can you imagine being away from your child for 100 days- and having absolutely no contact or information about him/her for that 100 days.  Waiting is so very hard!
We love you Kate Layu!!!!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I cannot begin to imagine how hard it is. Who can understand it? You all remain in my prayers. And I look forward to the day that you have her in your arms. Unspeakable, unimaginable joy!!!