August 26, 2009


I just got an email from our agency saying, "According to the China coordinator that lives in China-she thinks that ”the TAs are ready soon.”. That was what she said and my interpretation is that maybe yours is included and will be here this weekend."
Oh my goodness!!!!!!  I had a horrible day yesterday and cried just about all day because I had lost hope that we would be with Kate on her birthday- and then I get this email today!!!  Please, please, please be praying that our TA (travel approval) gets here by early next week.  If we get it by early next week, we could leave in as early as 10 days.  If we do not get it early next week, we will not leave for another 2 MONTHS! 
I know that the Lord knows what is best- and I trust His timing completely- but this Momma sure would love to hold her baby on her birthday!  She just might get to wear this shirt I bought for her after-all!


Stacy Okland said...

we are praying from over here!!!
love you!

Colleen said...

Praise God for the great news today!!!! I'm so happy you guys will be with her for her B-day. God is so good!