November 15, 2009

Rock Ranch

One of my favorite places to go is the Rock Ranch.  Brian always teases me because I get so excited when we get to go.  Brett is an old pro at the Rock Ranch- but it was Kate, Ma, and Daddy Bob's first time to go.  We had a great time enjoying the perfect weather and watching the kids ride the fun rides.  Kate was hesitant to do everything at first, but warmed up quickly and loved everything.  She is doing amazing.  She is the happiest little girl and is so much fun.  We are having a blast being a family of four.

Brett showing Ma and Daddy Bob around
Riding in the cow cars
I LOVE this picture- and they LOVE eachother
Kate having the best time
Hey Ma!
Having fun in the corn house
Holding the bunny
Brett riding Cheerio- he rode Cheerio when we came in August and was so excited that he was still there
Kate riding her first horse
Daddy Bob and Brett
What a cutie
Ma and Brett
Waiting for the train to come
Brett's favorite thing of the day.  They had monster trucks there the day we went and Brett has not stopped talking about them since.  He lines up his cars and jumps over them with his monster truck- what a boy!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

We have got to get to the Rock Ranch, it looks like sooo much fun!