November 21, 2009

This one is for you, Erin!

So I have been asked to write a post about Kate's language development.  To sum it up in one word it would be amazing.  When I tell people that she has only been home for 6 weeks they are shocked.  She is quite the talker- and repeats EVERYTHING I say- so she will be caught up with her brother in no time.  She also understands just about everything I say to her- which is even more amazing.  I sometimes have to catch myself and remember that English is not her first language.  Some things that she says are:
-Hold you Mommy (I hear this A LOT)
- More please Mommy
-All done Mommy
-Bye, Bye
-Night, night
-Sit down Mommy
-Come on Mommy
-Color- when she wants to color
-Play- when she wants to play with Playdoh
-Georgia (our dog- this was her first word)
- Nana- Brian's mom who she LOVES!!
-Ma and Daddy Bob- my parents who live on a gravel road.  The second we hit the gravel she starts saying, "Ma, Daddy Bob"
-Hurt or Boo-Boo
-Picture- which she says when she gets dressed in something she thinks is cute and she asks me to take her picture
-Car- she loves to ride in the car and laughs when I put her in her carseat!
-And I saved the best for last- what makes me crack up is when she says"No Sir Brett"- while she is pointing her finger at him, and "Brett 1,2,3" because I count so much to get him to do something.  I think she might think his name is Brett 123. :)

-She rarely says just one word.  She knows all of the above words but usually puts them together in a sentence- for example- she doesn't say "Milk", she says, "Milk please Mommy" and she almost always tells me thank you when I give her something.  Sweet girl.

-She has also started singing "Jesus loves me" with me when I rock her at nap and bedtime.  I sing it to her at least twice a day and have since we got home, but she just this week started singing with me.  She also likes to sing "Happy Birthday"- which she sings "Happy to you".  She LOVES to talk on the phone and lights up with a huge smile when I let her.  I think I might be in trouble when she is a teenager.

I will try to get a video of her talking or singing and put it on here soon.  You really would be amazed.


Stacy Okland said...

My computer has been SUPER slow lately for some reason so haven't spent much time looking at websites. Loved catching up on all that is going on! I feel like I get more info on the blog than in our phone calls:) ...Always someone talking in the background:)
Cant' believe how well she is doing and how much she can say!! What an amazing girl! Can't wait to spend time with your family soon!
love you

e said...

My jaw is on the ground - that is AMAZING!!!!! i can't believe how well she is talking and combining that many words is GREAT for a just turned two year old whose native language IS english!!! SMART girl you have..I love her! I really love the "no sir brett" and the counting! I can't wait to meet her one day.

thanks for the post...don't know if i've ever had a post with my name in the subject before!! :-)

Joanne said...

Thank you, Erin! I have wondered about the language difference ever since you had her in your arms but never remembered to ask. And I too am completely amazed. Who knew that a child could learn a new language so quickly at the age of 2? She is obviously bright and I am certain she wanted to be able to communicate with people whom she loves so much. The previous "then and now" blog really brought tears to my eyes. The difference between that first "scary" day and being "at home in Georgia" touches my heart. Thank the Lord for children! What a blessing they are!!

Crystal said...

Hi Amy, I loved getting caught up with your blog...could do this while my Lacy is asleep no less. Kate seems to be doing great. Lacy is as well. Not as advanced as your little Kate. Lacy turns 2 next week (27th). She does not talk much beyond babbling. She just started to walk and for now we are not pulling the fingers out of the mouth. She only sucks them when she is tired pretty much. I met a friend of yours in China..Tracey. She has a beautiful daughter. Small world. If you see her please say I said hello :). We have been home a week today and it is hard to believe I have my baby sleeping in her crib ...FINALLY! :) I know you know the feeling well. She is such a little squirt (in a 6-12mth. outfit today) and we were excited about her gaining weight while we were in China. I can't wait for our Lacy to start jabbering as many words as Kate! :) Take care and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family... Crystal Hamsher

Stacy Robinson said...

Hello sweet friend! I am so glad to hear more news about Kate--I am sure her progress has a lot to do with her mom--you are quite a good teacher as I remember! By the way, I sent you a long e-mail about Adam in case you haven't checked in a while. He is supposed to come home tomorrow! Maybe we can get down for a visit soon! Give Brett and Kate a hug and kiss for me, and I will talk to you soon! Love you! Stacy

Kristie said...

I love, love, love "Brett, 1, 2, 3". She is amazing, what a smart girl.

I had to tell you how excited Peyton was about Kate's shower at church yesterday. She has been sooo excited about Mr. Brian's new baby girl.

Donna Strebe said...

That is absolutely precious! thanks for sharing...can't wait to see the video...d:o)

Emily McGlone said...

So, I just saw the picture at the top. I think its pretty new. The one with Brett and Kate sitting on a bench and Brett has his hand on her back. It is so precious!!!! Oh my gosh!! They are so sweet!!! Love you guys!!

Wells said...

"Hold You" was one of Lucy's favorites! So cute!!!
I love reading about your Kate, and it gives me such hope!