November 8, 2009

Halloween (finally)

We had a great Halloween.  It started off with a party at my friends house on Thursday morning, followed by another party on Friday night, and finally Trick-or-Treating on Saturday. We went to my parents neighborhood to trick-or-treat this year.  They live in an amazing neighborhood of about 100 homes on a gravel road that all circle around a lake.   The neighborhood put together a hay ride for the kids.  We loaded up on the hayride and road around the neighborhood.  All the neighbors came to the end of their driveways to hand out the candy so we didn't even have to get off the hayride to get candy.  It was awesome.  And Mommy let Brett and Kate eat candy for dinner- Brett was in heaven.  We got more candy than we could eat in 5 years! Brett and Kate loved it all.  

Howdy Partner!
Listening to a story at the Thursday morning party
Coloring pumpkins

Daddy with his two cowboys
Aren't they so cute
Group shot at the Friday night party
Brett playing with his glow stick
Kate making her princess pumpkin
Brett making his pirate pumpkin

So proud of their pumpkins
Carving the pumpkin
This is what Kate thought of carving the pumpkin.  Brian said the caption should be "Halloween is scary!"  Kate does NOT like getting her hands dirty.
She got used to it after a while though

Love this one- look how much taller Brett is than Kate

Heading out to Trick-or-Treat- the camera got left at home so I don't have any pictures of the actual event.
The loot!!!


Stacy Okland said...

Those are the cutest little outfits!! I am amazed at how well they both will stand and pose for a picture. I seem to always have to try to catch mine in action:) So fun to see Kate adapting to her new life, culture and family:) It must be so fun to introduce her to all these new traditions. Love you guys!

Stacy Robinson said...

Hello! The pictures are so wonderful! I needed a smile tonight--thanks for sharing! I am praying all is well with your dad tonight (and your sweet mom)! She sent me the most encouraging card--please tell her it came on a day when I really needed it, just like the pictures of your beautiful children! Give them a kiss for me, and I hope to see you all soon! Love you, Stacy

The Simple Things said...

Too cute!
Loved seeing you guys together and having fun
MIss you so much.
Happy Birthday week.