May 31, 2010

Disney- day one

Since it has been almost a month since we got back from Disney, I thought it was about time to put some pictures up (that and the friendly reminders from Mandy).  We had an absolute blast at Disney.  There has not been one day since we got home that Brett has not asked to go back.  Every plane that we see in the sky is going to Disney, and every car that passes us is going to Disney.  He will say, "Mommy, that car is going to Magic Kingdom, and that one is going to Hollywood Studios".  Cracks me up every time.
We got to Disney around lunchtime on Tues.  We let the kids take a nap and then headed to the Magic Kingdom.  First stop was the Buzz Lightyear ride, followed by the Teacups- Brett and Kate each got to pick their first ride.  They loved every single ride.  I was a little worried about how Kate was going to do- she is not one for adventure- but she LOVED it.  I think their favorite part of the first day, however, was the parade.  It was wonderful.  They sat spellbound the entire time.  Disney really is a magical place isn't it!
I am all ready to go Mommy!!
Brett's first pick- Buzz Lightyear
Kate's first pick- the Teacups
Mommy's first pick- Splash Mountain.  Kate wasn't tall enough to ride yet so Brett and I rode this one by ourself.  He LOVED it.  If you ask him what his favorite ride was he will tell you "Splash Mountain".

There we are in the front- about to go up the big hill
And after- not too wet
Kate driving the race car
The parade- it was wonderful


Joanne said...

I went with Mandy, Bryan, Meg and Sydney about 3 years ago and we had such a blast. Mandy and I were more excited to see the Princesses than Meg and Sydney....and they were very excited. We were there for the Halloween Disney Parade...and parts of it were a little bit scary. But most of it was amazing. Every person who worked at Disney was friendly. It looks like you had a ball and a couple of the photos where you or Bryan were in them---you looked like small kids yourselves. That's the wonder of Disney World!

Mack said...

YEAH!!!! LOVED the pics - brought back so many good memories!!! THANKS!!! Love you guys

Cat said...

I can't believe it's been a year since the 3 of you went and now the 4 of you have gone. It's amazing how time flies and yet it seems as though Kate has been here all along. As always we LOVE seeing all the pics!!!!