September 14, 2010


My sweet girl turned three today. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to have her in my arms for her birthday this year! I am not sure who was more excited- me or Kate!

My beautiful 3 year old
I mean really- could she be any cuter?
Striking a pose for the camera

We started the celebration last night. My sweet friend Keri and her three kids- Caleb, Samantha, and Noah- came over to spend the night with us. (both of our husbands were out of town last night). All the kids were so excited. Cake #1 was brought out last night- and I think you can tell by her face how excited Kate was.
When I asked her what her favorite thing was about her birthday she said, "Blowing out the candles"

The gang at breakfast. We all went to Kate's room to wake her up with her choice of breakfast- Chocolate- chocolate chip muffins (the girl loves her chocolate!) Wish I had some pictures of that but I video taped it instead of taking still pictures.
Happy girl with her birthday crown, muffin, and her long-awaited Leapster
Celebrating with all her friends at school. Poor thing cried almost the whole time because she didn't want me to leave. Of course she was fine when I really did leave- but it just about ripped my heart out.
Ma has Bible study at the same church where Brett and Kate go to school- so she got to come for the party.
My two crazy 3 year olds!!
My sweet friend Keri brought over window markers so we decorated the car for Kate's birthday. (At midnight- since I waited until last night to make her birthday outfit- thanks Keri for staying up late with me)

So proud of her "birthday car"
While Brett and Kate were in school I went to Kate's favorite restaurant- Chin Chin chinese- to decorate the table for lunch. Her eyes lit up when she saw the table and she jumped right up and started blowing her horn. Everyone at this restaurant LOVES her. The owner always brings her an extra bowl of noodles and gives Brett and Kate a take-out box with lollipops and extra fortune cookies in it when we leave.
Ma and Daddy Bob gave Kate a pretend birthday cake for her play kitchen. Brett fixed it with three candles and had her "blow" them out.
We still keep in touch with the sweet family that took care of Kate after her heart surgery in China. They sent her a birthday present and a birthday card. We are so thankful that she still has a piece of her past to hold on to. They obviously loved Kate a lot- and we are so incredibly thankful for them.
Blowing out another candle
Kisses from the birthday princess
Opening up her presents from the Garrett gang
Yet another birthday dessert- this is what the cupcake should look like...
and this is what happens if you leave the cupcake in the hot car! (my poor mom had to buy another set of cupcakes because the first ones melted on her)
Blowing out the candles one more time- can you tell how much she loves it!!

Kate- we are so thankful for your life. As your birthday crown says, God certainly did give us "immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine", when He gave us you.


marissa said...

Was just thinking the other day how blessed your kids are to have you as a mom!! Looks like Kate was celebrated with gusto on her first birthday with her forever family!! Thanks for all the pics!!

Joanne said...

And the memories just keep being made. I cannot believe it has been a whole year. What a beautiful family you are. Little Nora loves cupcakes too. I gave her a little ceramic cupcake that I bought at the Hospital Gift Shop when she was born and now she has the cupcake theme going too. And they both have very dark eyes and hair. So sweet. Thank you for telling us all about this special day for your wonderful little Kate. The photos bring tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.

Mack said...

Oh..just loooooved reading through all of this....tears in my eyes thinking how special this birthday was for all of you...she is gorgeous!!!

Emily Anne said...

So precious!!! I love her pose!!! She is so cute!!

Stacy Okland said...

Must be the best birthday a 3 yr old ever had!! Minus her daddy not being home:(. Love all the celebrating. What fun memories you made for her! And LOVE the bday outfit!! What a beautiful girl! She is looking so much bigger since we saw her 6 months ago. Luke saw the pictures while I was looking at them and asked if we could please see you again:) Sorry time will be with out you.