October 1, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Georgia!

Yes- we are "dog people".  To be honest, I used to make fun of "dog people"--- but then we got Georgia.  After going through 2 1/2 years of infertility, Georgia was my first baby.  We got her the day we found out that our first IVF didn't work.  She was a life saver.  When my arms were still empty aching for a baby- she took some of the ache away. This little dog has brought so much joy into our lives.  So, yes, we celebrate her birthday.  And yes- I did make her her very own pancake for breakfast that she ate while we sang "Happy Birthday".  We love this dog-those of you who aren't "dog people" will think this post is crazy- those of you who are "dog people" will understand.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGIA (or boo-boo dog as Brett calls her)!  

1 comment:

Alicia said...

We are dog people too! Our dear Riey boy, was our first baby. He will always be dear to our hearts. People who aren't dog people can't possibly understand, but us dog lovers know the love we have for our dog. Happy Birthday Georgia!