October 8, 2008

Never say never

Our nephew, Pierce, started playing football this year so we went to see him play on Saturday. (Brian's brother David is Pierce's coach- he is in the orange hat in the picture below)  Brett had a fit not being able to be on the field.  He kept pointing to the boys playing and saying, "Ball, ball".  The morning started out chilly- so I dressed my boy in lined pants- but by the time we got to the game it was in the mid-80's.  So, I did what I said I would never do- I took his pants off and let him run around in public in his diaper.  I still can't believe that I did that- but the poor little guy was burning up.  Never say never.
We had a great time watching the game- but Brett had the best time playing with Pierce after the game was over.  I have a feeling that we will be on the football field quite a bit in the next 18 years or so.


MindyMac said...

I'm trying to remember when, but I recently did the exact same thing and had Molly running around redneck style! I just had to laugh!

The Guthries said...

Hey AmyBeth! Love the new blog. I definitely got tickled about the "no pant day" at the football field. Hope your summer was great! Where did the time go and what happened to us hooking up? SO my fault! We need to plan something soon! Love you!