September 26, 2009


*** I am having a hard time uploading pictures on blogger and gmail so I am sorry for the lack of pictures.***
Sorry we have not been keeping everyone up to date but after our unbelievable night the other night we have been in shock and when we have not been in shock we have been extremely busy.              


Let's first go back to the other night.  We got a call around 3:30pm from our travel guide that Kate had lived with a family for a while and they knew that this was our last night in Beijing and that they wanted to take us to dinner.  They insisted on taking us to one of the nicest restaurants in Beijing- Beijing Roasted Duck- and would not let us pat for a thing. (Our meal started off with duck heart and duck skin by the way- and we also got certificates on the ducks life- from birth to our dinner) Well what are you to think about that?  All sorts of thoughts and emotions flowed through us but we were cautiously optimistic.  We prayed together while we were waiting that God would protect us and go before us into the meeting.  We had no idea that she had lived outside of the orphanage- although she is so smart and well adjusted that we had our suspicions.


God orchestrated this meeting because if you will remember us meeting a lady at the zoo the other day…the lady's daughter (a 4 year old) told the grandmother of the foster family that she saw Kate at the zoo.  The grandmother thought this was crazy that first of all she saw us at the zoo in a city of 18 million people and she was pretty sure Kate had already left the country.  Get your head around that for a minute.  God's timing is perfect.  For those of you who are still waiting to bring your little ones home- I hope this story encourages you.


The grandmother called her son who works at the orphanage and asked him to see if we were still in China because she would like to meet us and say goodbye to Kate.  Well one thing led to another and we had dinner with this family and one of the teachers from the orphanage.  They were some of the most incredible people you could ever meet.  They LOVED Kate with all their hearts.  She stayed with this family for 99 days after her surgery.  Yes they knew down to the day how long she lived with them.  Thanks to our sweet guide who went with us to translate,we talked non-stop for 3 hours.  I promise you that I could not have hand picked more amazing people to love on our Kate.  They loved her like she was their own- that was very obvious.


Kate did not want much to do with us during dinner.  She sat with her Ni-Ni (grandmother in Chinese) and Ni-Ni fed her the entire time and just loved her as if she were her own grandchild.  Ni-Ni's son works at the orphanage.  He is 33 and his wife is 30.  Our guide the whole night referred to them as the foster mother and father.  They live with his parents.  So all four seemed to know Kate intimately.  Kate was SO EXCITED to see them.  She smiled and laughed the whole night.  It was so fun to watch.


Brian was also thrilled to find out that Kate has a history of pinching and biting and she had bitten the grandfather on the shoulder and the lip in the past.  Apparently she doesn't like men- lets hope that continues until she is at least 21! :)


They told us that Kate has a gift for music and they hoped we helped her develop it.


They also brought us gifts…one for me, Brian and Kate.  We also have a picture of the entire family with Kate when they took her out for her birthday.  They even had pictures of her on their cell phones.


The saddest thing of the night was when we left and Ni-Ni was overcome with tears.  Everyone cried as we took Kate away from this family that LOVED her.  Wow.  We will never forget that night.  Kate cried too, but only for a minute.  We cried harder than she did. 


We have their address and email and phone numbers and promised to stay in touch.


We walked back to the hotel in totally disbelief of what had just taken place.  I wish you all could have been in the room with us.  From the moment we walked in we were totally at ease.  God was in that room with us- it was amazing.  I don't think I have ever seen God's hand so visibly in all my life. 


amybeth said...


Katherine Ann said...

AMAZING! What a story...all I could think about while I was reading this was "so that's why you didn't get to be with her on her birtday"...yall needed to be at the zoo on a different day so all of these wonderful things could happen. What a great gift for Kate to have when she gets know how loved she was from day one!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

Melanie said...

WOW! What an amazing story! Thank you God for letting us know that you answered the prayers of the past 3 plus years! Prayers for Kate. Prayers that she would be happy, protected and loved until she was in the arms of her forever family. How awesome to know that she had a beautiful 2 year-old birthday celebration with a family that loved her. What a sweet way for them to say goodbye. Looking back, I'm grateful that they were given that gift. I never questioned that God heard all of the prayers for sweet Kate! But what a blessing that He allowed you to trace His hand over the first two years of Kate's life! I can't wait to see you all as I continue to pray for your trip, for Kate, Brett and the gradparents....and Kate's foster family in China! Love....Mel

Stacy Robinson said...

Wow! What an incredible story! I really don't even know what to say, except to thank God that He is so involved in the smallest details of our life that He could bring about such an encounter for you! He has given you so many confirmations that this is the path He has chosen for you, and Kate is the child He has chosen for you! I think back to all of those days, and months, and years that you waited on His timing--to know that Kate was so loved and well cared for must give you such peace! God is definitely at work in your life, but I have seen Him there since the day I met you! You and Brian deserve all of the blessings God has chosen for you! Thank you for sharing your wonderful day with us, and take care of yourself! I love you, Stacy

e said...

my heart is RACING!!! what an AMAZING story. This little girl will never ever question how special she is and how loved she is by so many!

ps - AB, so sorry you are sick! i just read your mom's comment. big prayers.

Crystal said...

Pretty incredible....."With God ALL things are possible".... Boy is that ever true!!!!!!

I was getting anxious about your lack of postings,however I am only hoping I will be able to post daily as you have... I have been impressed with your ability to keep us all informed and with such great detail. What a great blogger you are!!! Have been praying Kate's cold is all better now. What an amazing picture of Kate's foster family and you guys.

Praying for your continued safety and God's grace as your journey is growing closer to bringing your Kate home to her brother and all of your family and friends. Blessings,

Lauren said...

Wow!!! What an unbelievable story!! Amazing to see God's hand so clearly! So wonderful Kate was and is so loved. We can't wait to meet your special little girl! Praying for you!
Love, Lauren and Jon

Wells said...

Amybeth and Brian,
I was trying to read your post out loud to Leo and had to stop because I was crying so much. This is not only such a gift to Kate, but it is also evidence of God's love and care for her...and possibly such a neat way to share Christ with this family in China. This post was worth the wait!!!

Praying continually that you feel better soon. Hoping you can enjoy your stay in Guangzhou and looking forward to seeing you all safely home. Praying for both Kate and Brett as they adjust to being home together and sharing a mommy and daddy. What joy!

Traci Kalish said...

Oh, the tears are flowing! I can hardly complete the story. It is hard to see when you are as emotional as I am right now. I can't even comment. I am speechless(imagine that!). What an amazing God we serve!

The Simple Things said...

praying praying praying
SO GRATEFUL for the way God has weaved all that together for you and Brian and your little kate!
What amazing stories you have to tell your little girl:)
We love you and miss you.
Thanks for my sweet bday wishes.
hugs from ca

Stacy Okland said...

Wow. What do you say to that?? Unbelievable. God's hand is so powerful...what a testimony of his sovereignty and amazing love.
Praying for all the issues going on!
Much love,

Beth Robinson said...

As usual, I cried when I read your post, but this time I wasn't the only one-Jason cried too! I only wish that Kate's birth mother could know how much she was loved her first two years of life, and that she is getting such wonderful parents.

Read your mom's post. I hope you feel better soon, that Brian and Kate don't get it and that you are all able to come home to Brett on time! Please keep us updated on that!

Melanie said...

Mel again....I have read your post at least 3 times today! By the way...have I mentioned again how adorably cute little miss Kate is. I smile every time I look at her picture. I click on them ALL to make them bigger. One of our other assistant principals and his wife have adopted 3 children from China...2 adorable girls and a precious little deaf boy. I pulled up your website at our leadership meeting yesterday and we ALL...including my principal...ohhhhed and ahhhhhed over Kate! can't wait to have you all home!

Anonymous said...

wow - what an amazing appointment that God arranged for you! What an amazing gift of connection for Kate!

katie stewart said...

UNBELIEVABLE!!! That is such a GOD thing!!! i just sat here with tears in my eyes reading your story of the evening! What a blessing for all of you to have had such an incredible evening with this family and i know they are so happy for Kate! I just can't wait to meet her in person.
i hope you are not getting sick! I will pray for all of you to stay healthy!

Mack said...

AB - a friend of mine shared in church this morning - and it was so powerful - "We pray trusting God's heart" - right now I am praying for you my friend trusting that God has your best interest at heart - asking Him to bring healing and work through this for you. Love you!!!

Mack said...

Thinking of you my friend! Love you!!!!