September 21, 2009

Day Six- Kate is officially ours...

Talking with the girls (just look at those lips!)

Kate and Nina

Daddy stealing a kiss

The lady in the white coat in the background is the orphanage director from Kate's orphange.
And this is Kate's reaction to seeing her- she clung to me for dear life. This is a good- no a great- sign. I think she likes us!!!

Signing the official papers

Kate and Lexi- Kate LOVES Lexi (and so do we). Lexi is fluent in Mandarin and translates everything Kate says for us. She is amazing!

Waiting for our paperwork to be processed

Daddy giving Kate Cheerios- she loves Cheerios!

Kate had her first McDonald's french fries today and she loved them (thank goodness). She even shared one with Daddy.

Kate is officially ours in China's eyes that is. We still have to wait another week before the United States says she is officially ours. But I can tell you right now- she is ours- and NO ONE is going to tell me any different. After 4 years of waiting, I had a lot of time to set my expectations of what this experience was going to be like. Four years to imagine what Kate would look like, act like, how old she would be, what her personality would be like, etc. I can honestly tell you that this has far exceeded all of my expectations. Kate is perfect. It is hard to believe how quickly you can fall in love. I have loved Kate for 4 years, but did not know who she was. Now that I know her- I really love her. Brian just went over and looked at her while she was sleeping and then came back over to me and said, "It is hard to believe that they are really going to let us have her because she is so fun." It is so hard to believe.
Kate did much better with Brian today- keep praying. She only tried to bite him once, and Brian said her pinches (which were only a handful) weren't as hard as they have been. She let him hold her a lot today, and even let him give her a bath without me (and she was laughing in there with him). Brian is doing such an amazing job with her.
Today was filled with one meeting to sign paperwork after another. We saw the director from Kate's orphanage again today and had our guide ask her how Kate got to be so advanced. She told our guide, "Because Layu (Kate) is so cute and has such a good personality all of the nannies love her and gave her lots of attention." Yes- our girl was well loved- and you will see why when you meet her. She is so much fun!
We get to go to the Beijing zoo tomorrow and I am so excited. I can't wait to see what Kate thinks about all the animals.

Thanks again for your comments and prayers. 10 more days until Kate and Brett get to meet!!!! I can't wait!!!!


Stacy Robinson said...

She is yours! What a milestone to reach! I am beyond happy for you. The pictures are great--love the hairbow! I am glad she likes french fries--now all we need to do is see about sweet tea, nuggets and petit fors! (that last one I will take care of when we come for a visit!) Seriously, I am so glad things are going well--each day you are there brings you one day closer when you will be home and all together again! Still praying for you....Love you, Stacy

Traci Kalish said...

Amen, Amen, Amen!!! Kate is a Skinner! I knew this day would come! Praise the Lord! The tears are flowing. Day six is officially my favorite post! Todd and I can both see Brian saying those words to you. What an amazing best friend/husband you have!

Unknown said...

Kate is yours! You knew that all along - but now have the papers that say what your hearts already knew! We are so happy! Can't wait to see ALL of you. Praying for you every day. Brian, I know she will fall in love with you - just like all of us have!
Love ya bunches,

Melanie said...

CONGRATULATIONS, KATE SKINNER! I was so happy to read this post. And the pictures are AMAZING!! I love them all, but the first on is too stinkin' CUTE! I know you all just want to eat her up. Brett and Kate are going to have so much fun together. I'll be planning a trip to Newnan!
News from Atlanta....Gwinnett Co. schools are closed today due to FLOODING! It has rained here since last Tuesday. Several roads have flooded and there was a mudslide on Hwy 78.....crazy!
Waiting for you all to return home....Love, Mel

Melanie said...

And...CUTE clothes! I love the outfit and the bow just completes it! She is absolutely adorable!

Crystal said...

My oh is hard to read your post without crying for joy for your family. Some of the tears are because you have provided me with such an incredible gift of knowing that my little Lacy who still waits for us in China is being well taken care of. Thank You!! Truly a gift from God!

I too have a Nikon...but different model..a 60. I hope you have figured out your issue with it. Sorry, I can't provide much help. I am still figuring mine out. It is such an awesome camera and I just purchased it a few months ago for our trip. Guess I will take the small sony camera as well now just in case.

Love the bow and all the smiles!
Continued prayers for your safe journey!

Joanne said...

Wow! What an amazing post and touching, beautiful photos. I just love the one where Brian is touching her foot. Tears. Tears. Tears. It was such a long wait and, as you always knew, Kate was worth the wait. Her personality sounds absolutely engaging and you are so blessed with two such beautiful, bright, happy children. Every day I thank God for putting you two together so you could grow into this family that reflects the very heart of God. Tears and love---that's what I am feeling for you. Hugs and kisses all the way to China!!! And thank you! thank you! thank you! for sharing this unbelievable time in your lives with all of us!!! Now I can hardly wait to see the photos of Brett and Kate together!! You will have to re-name the blog---HOORAY!

Mack said...

AB - so praising God for this post - that she is yours and that she is doing better with Brian - yeah!!!! She is ADORABLE - and can I tell you that her outfits are sooooooooooooo cute????? that is one of the things i look forward to most - seeing what she will be wearing!!!!! :) :) LOVE YOU GUYS!!! LOVE YOU KATE!!!!!!!!!!

Colleen said...

Today I was looking at the pictures, smiling and thinking "Kate looks adorable in that big brown bow!" She is such a doll! Then I scroll down and read about how she is finally yours! Tears of joy started rolling down my face as I try to imagine what the four year wait must have been like, what an example of your faith has been for waiting patiently on the Lord, and seeing you NOW with Kate. God is so good. ~Colleen

Christy said...

SOOOO wonderful. SHE IS YOURS and YOU ARE HERS. I can't think of anything more beautiful. So happy for you guys. We can't wait to meet her. We are eagerly counting down the days. The pictures are awesome. Love you all.

Stacy Okland said...

All I can say is Wow! Amazing! What a gift!!!

Lauren said...

I am crying again! How wonderful!!!!!! Kate is yours!!! I love she is so spunky and fun! And obviously adorable! And the tears came when I saw the picture of her clinging to you so tightly when she saw the director. This is all so amazing! Praise God!!! We continue to pray for you guys and love following you on your journey!!
Love, Lauren and Jon

marissa said...

It's official!! she really is SOOO cute- every picture makes me wanna PINCH her(but in a good-I wanna eat you up kind of way!) Can't wait to see the pics of brett meeting her!!!! Love you guys! and still praying

mitz said...

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be The Glory.. throughout all generations for ever and ever!Amen Eph. 3:20-21

What a testimony of how His Word is truly Living & Active & how He proves it over & over!

Your pictures are just so precious! What a Joy! Oh my how I do love that big bow!

We continue to pray & praise Him for His Faithfulness! Much much love.. mitzi

Joy Tarpley said...

If she ain't the cutest thang!!I am about to bust wanting to hold her. So thankful for all the answered prayers. Mom just bought Molly Beth the same purple and green dress. Maybe they can where them together and people will think they are sisters. Best Friends for sure!! Can't wait to see our girls together. I see Brian totally beginning to melt her heart. How awesome is that picture of her clinging to you. God is so answering all of our prayers. Keep the updates coming- they are one of the hightlights of our day. Love You SO!! Joy

Jennifer said...

She is absolutely gorgeous!!! Just like the rest of the Skinner family. We can hardly wait to meet her! Hugs and kisses. Jennifer

Beth Robinson said...

I've been waiting for the bow. I shown Jason the pictures from the past few days with the smaller bows, but this is what I've been waiting for! When Kade looked at the pictures he said "She does have ribbons like KaiLan"!

Katie and Steve said...

Wow! I am, of course, sitting at the computer crying. I am over the moon for y'all. What a milestone. What a cutie!! The girls are going to LUV her! Can't wait for you to get home. God is so good. As hard as it is to wait, His timing is always impeccable...Love, Katie and Steve and the twinks.

Emily McGlone said...

Yay!!! This is all so very exciting!! I'm so glad she is yours!! Kate is so cute!! She has the sweetest little smile! All of the pictures are just amazing. From your beautiful descriptions, I think she is going to fit well in the family. Love you guys!! -Emily

Mack said...

Wow, I LOVED reading the post today and seeing the pictures; especially all the ones of Kate interacting with Brian. This is such an exciting adventure. You all look so happy! Continue to enjoy the rest of your time there.
Brenda MacKay

Unknown said...

Oh what a Cutie! I cry when I read your blog and then I have to smile when I see pictures of your precious Girl! What a little miracle she is and its so good to see her sweet face. We are so excited for you and we are keeping you in our prayers as you get closer to coming home and having your whole family together for the first time. We can't wait to meet Kate.......Love, Bruce & Julie

e said...

I LOVE this post!! 10 more days!!!!!!!!!!!

Donna Strebe said...

Oh, AB...i am just thrilled! What a blessing! Can't wait for ya'll to come home!!!! Not that i'm in atlanta, but i'll get there soon! love ya...d:o)

The Simple Things said...

Whahoo! What a blessing to have your daughter in your arms. You both look relieved. Welcome to an amazing family Kate Skinner. You are in for a real treat. We are all so excited to meet you and hug you ourselves.
Love Aunt Katie and the crazy CA girls:)