September 11, 2009

What will you do in China for 17 days?

I have heard this question A LOT when people ask me how long we will be in China.  We just got our itinerary and I thought y'all might like to see it.  Can you believe that this is OUR itinerary???  It is still so unbelievable!!!!

We leave Atlanta at 7:20am on Tuesday and arrive in China at 1:20pm Wednesday(China time).  Less than 24hrs after we arrive we will get Kate!!!!!!!!  We will get Kate on our Thursday morning- but it will be Wednesday night for you.  Do you know what that means- 5 MORE DAYS!!!! 

Sept 16  Arrive in Beijing by CO89 at 13:50, stay at Wang Fujing Grand Hotel.

Have dinner with all the group members.

Sept 17  Meet the child in the morning and do the Registration in the afternoon.

Sept 18  Sightseeing the Great Wall

Sept 19  Sightseeing the Forbidden City and enjoy the acrobatic show in the late afternoon.

Sept 20  Sightseeing the Summer Palace and the Olympic Park.

Sept 21  Get the Registration Certificate and do the Notarization, and applying for child’ passport.

Sept 22  Visit the Beijing Zoo

Sept 23  Visit the Capital Museum

Sept 24  Have a Hutong tour.

Sept 25  Get the passport. Fly to Guangzhou from Beijing by CA1327, which departs at 14:00 and arrives at 16:55. 

Sept 26  Do the Physical check and photo taking.

              Take a cruise on the Pearl River at night.

Sept 27  Sightseeing the Yun Tai Garden 

Sept 28  Sightseeing the Six Banyan Temple.

Sept 29  Apply for visa at 9:00. Sightseeing the Liu Hua Hu Park.  

Sept 30  Get the visa

Oct 1    Fly to Beijing from Guangzhou and then transfer to flight to Newark.  Transfer in Newark to flight to Atlanta- arrive at 10:14pm.  (That is 25 hours worth of travel time- 20 hours on a plane- 5 hours of layover time!!!!)



Joanne said...

I can hardly wait to see the photos of you with Kate.....and then I can hardly wait to see the photos of all these places. Wow! This is going to be amazing! I will be praying (along with many others) the entire time. 5 more days!!!!!

marissa said...

AHHH-that's me screaming with excitement! Wish I could be there to scream with you!! Wow- that's quite a trip- and all the time with precious kate! Praying hard!!

katmalone said...

I am sooo Excited that Kate is finally coming home! Also sounds like you will have a wonderful trip in addition to an even better blessing to come home with you! We will be praying that you all have a wonderful and safe trip and can't wait to hear all about it and mostly get to finally get to meet
Brett's new sister! Much Love, The Malone Family