September 7, 2009


While we are waiting I thought it would be fun to do a post about my favorite little guy.  I don't know how it is possible to love someone so much- but he just makes my heart want to burst.  Brian and I still say all the time- "Can you believe that he is really ours!  Can you believe that we get to hang out with him every day and watch him grow?"  Here are a few fun things that he is doing/saying now:
-He is   2 1/2 but if you ask him how old he is he will say, "Two, I mean six!"
- We have to sing "I've been working on the railroad" and "Jesus loves me" to him before he goes to sleep at night.  Last night I also had to sing "The Bunny" from Veggie Tales.
-Speaking of sleeping- he takes amazing naps- 3 to 4 hours every day.  It is very rare for him to take a less than 3 hour nap.
-And speaking of sleeping again- he has always been so easy to put down.  For both nap and night time he goes very willingly.  He LOVES his crib.  He very rarely ever cries for us to come get him up.  I can just hear him playing or singing so I know he is awake.
-He is still busy, busy, busy.  He does not sit still- ever! (I guess that is why he naps so well!)
-He is happy 99.9 percent of the time.  He has still yet to throw a tantrum (knocking on wood right now)
-He LOVES our dog Georgia.  When we pull into our neighborhood he will yell, "Boo-boo- we are coming!!"  and then he has to be the one who opens the door to see her when we get home.
-He is 100% boy.  He loves balls, cars, trains, motorcycles- basically anything "boy".
- He talks about Kate all the time.  Whenever he gets something he always gets one for Kate too- like last night while we were shopping at BJ's the lady at checkout gave him a lollipop and told him he could get two.  He said, "I will get one for Kate".  He reached right in, picked one out, and then handed it to me and said, "Here mommy- you can give this to Kate".  Hope he shares with her like that when she gets home.
-He LOVES to play the Wii (or P-diddy ball as he calls it- P-diddy is what he calls his cousin Pierce)  I must say- he is actually quite good at it.
- He has a sweet tooth like his mom and dad.  When he gets a piece of cake or a cookie he says, "I want ice"- meaning he wants icing.  
-He is very tall for his age.  He is in the 75% for weight and over 97% for height.  So he can wear 24m shorts but needs a 4t shirt.  My tall skinny guy- I love it!!
-He is very friendly and will wave to just about anyone who will make eye contact with him.  I love this about him.  I hope he is always this way.
-He is going to be an amazing big brother.  I can't wait to see him with Kate.
We love you Brett!!!!


e said...

I love this post!!! What a sweet boy you have Amybeth!!

The Simple Things said...

we agree
we love that kid
happy for you and your big trip next week
hugs from all of us