September 18, 2009

Day three- The Great Wall

Today our big highlight was going to The Great Wall of China. We walked up a few flights of steps but where we were the steps went straight up and it was quite a workout so we mostly just watched. It was beautiful- even if it was a little foggy.
The other 3 families that we are with are awesome. It has been so nice having them with us. One family from Wisconsin could win an award. They have 6 daughters - 4 adopted from China. The family of 8 can all speak fluid Chinese and they are just amazing. They have been very helpful with Kate.
Kate is WAY different then we thought she would be. In our five minute video of her she didn't say a word so we assumed that she could not talk- WRONG! She is very, very, very vocal. Of course we can't understand anything that she is saying, but we have plenty of translators around that can tell us. She is also developmentally at the right age or even advanced. It is obvious that she was very well taken care of at her orphanage. It is also quite obvious that she was very spoiled. I don't think she has ever heard the word "No". She is NOT happy when she doesn't get her way. Well- she will learn what "No" means pretty soon!
Kate is also quite the ham. She told the waitress this morning that she was four. And this afternoon she put on some sunglasses and asked us to take a picture of her. I don't think we are going to have any confidence issues with this girl!
We are having fun but miss our little boy like crazy. Thank the Lord for Skype! We don't know what we would do if we didn't get to see our sweet boy every day. Jet lag is also setting in and we are absolutely exhausted. Ok- enough writing- I know all you want to see is pictures anyway.

Kate waiting for a kiss

Kate getting the royal treatment at breakfast

At the Jade market- I put this one in just so you could see how little she is. Those are 12 month pants and I had to roll them over up top because they were too small.

Eating lunch with Daddy

Our group at the Great Wall

Brett at the Great Wall

Hollywood Kate


marissa said...

Love the pics! And now that we got to see the whole flat brett- pretty impressive AB:) Still praying for everyone!!

Unknown said...

Oh how beautiful she is!!! And fiesty will fit right in the fam! You guys looks so happy... Can't wait to get a hug from all of you..Praying for everyone...
Love ya!

Joanne said...

Love the photos! But you are wrong....we love the stories, too. You are a great story teller, Amybeth. I cannot even begin to imagine how tired you are and all the emotional adjustments you are encountering because of exhaustion and the situation. And most of all, I think I can understand how much you miss Brett. Just remember, each day you are one day closer to coming home and beginning life with your brand new family. And I am in awe of that family of 8!

Donna Strebe said...

So exciting! She is just precious! Keep writing and posting pictures...Love reading about your trip!

Christy said...

Mackenzie is going to have a fit with Hollywood Kate. The pictures are AMAZING. I love the way you have "Brett" with you- what a sweet idea. I am overwhelmed with it all- sosooo happy for you guys. Isn't God amazing the way HE had her so well cared for until you could get her? She is precious. Can't wait to share our love with her. Get some rest. Love you all. And keep the updates coming- we check all the time.

Stacy Okland said...

You are right! What a little ham!! She looks like she has such a fun spunk to her. And can't believe how little she is too. Love hearing the stories of all that is happening! Thank for taking the time to do it. Will be praying for the jet lag...I know how terrible that can be to deal with. Hows Brian doin'?

mitz said...

Oh My Goodness.. How very precious Kate is! Love that "Flat Brett" can be with you! What a sweet reunion you will all have! Our Amazing God has put quite an adventure together for you!
Prayin for you all & Praisin Him for ever & ever for the great things He has done! much, much love.. mitzi

Colleen said...

I can only imagine what Kate's expression will be when she gets to meet Flat Brett in person! What a great realization that will be when she'll have a body to hug her and play with! We love your stories and I agree with the other ARE a great story teller! Happy to see you all so happy!

Heather said...

she looks adorable! and you look so natural with a little girly on your hip.

i can't wait to read all the updates.

so excited for you!!

Stacy Robinson said...

Too cute for words! I am so glad that everything is going well! I must say it is strange to see you on the steps of the Great Wall! I know you are in China, but to actually see you there is quite different! How far the Lord's path has taken you! Thank you for the pictures, so we can all feel like we are there with you in a small way. Emma asked me to tell you hello (Sydney and Adam are still gone on school trips so they haven't seen the pictures yet) and to give Kate a kiss for her! Take care of yourselves, and know we are still praying for you! Love you! Stacy

Keri said...

She is a beautiful peanut! I am definitely having Amybeth withdrawels; wishing I could be texting you a thousand times a day to know every detail of what you are doing. We are getting ready to leave tomorrow and believe it or not I am almost packed and a little (to say the least) paranoid about getting sick and about flying. Thankfully it is a big plane. Hope you are surviving the sleep deprivation and pray you will catch up soon. Love you and miss you all so much. can't wait for the first.

e said...

she is a spunky little peanut isn't she? love it!!! can't wait to hear about her and Brett together!!

Traci Kalish said...

Ok, I just want to hop in this screen and give her a big KISS!

Sarah Parker said...

Such fun! Great pictures, I have looked at them so many times. Glad you are having a great time, hang in there with the sleep. Many prayers.

Stacy Okland said...

Just looking at the pictures again....she is so stinkin' cute!!!

Crystal said...

Oh my how sweet. Tears Tears!!! Thank you for the pic showing how big she is or shall I say how small. Really helps with my planning clothes for Lacy. You are an awesome blogger and I love reading the updates. Your family has waited such a long time for Kate, and how blessed you are to be holding her in your arms and pouring all that LOVE you have been storing up for her. She has a beautiful family and you can't really look at your pics without them pulling at your heart. Our God is an awesome God indeed!!

Oh...and I will be making a flat-Lianna and flat-Lyndsey for my China trip. So creative and So cute. Must buy the book as well.
Take care....Crystal

Mack said...

Mandy is sharing the blog with me and I check it daily. Kate is adorable, Amy Beth. I can't tell you how happy I am for you all!
Brenda MacKay

Christy said...

From Pierce: She looks very sweet, and I can't wait to see her.

Rowell said...

She's beautiful! Sounds like she and Tian have a lot in common. He is very spoiled and hates being told, "no". She's a chatter box, so is Tian! Both love having their pictures taken. Isn't it amazing? I'm so glad our babies came from this orphanage!

We know you're exhausted, but keep the blogging coming when you get time. Blessings on your family and prayers are being lifted for you!

Melanie said...

Amybeth and Brian....she is BEAUTIFUL! I love the pictures and can't wait to get my camera out when you get home! Please keep the updates coming. It is so fun to walk this journey with you all! Love from the ATL!!!

Christy said...

Hey girl this is Mackenzie! I just saw the pictures and can I say adorable! I know that her and Cara will be good friends I can already tell! I really miss ya'll and want to just squeze my new cuzzz! Hollywood Kate looks awesome!!!!! I have already decided that when I grow up I want to adopt from China! I can not wait to see my little angel!!!! Mark my word: I will be there at your house when Kataroooo comes home and me and my mom will be at your door step.(Probably crying tears of joy) Well have agood rest of the time! (tears already coming now) I miss ya'll and be safe and have fun! When you read this give her a hug and kiss from me!!!:-)
Love, Mackenzie Skinner(Kate's Cuz)

Beth Robinson said...

Kade was just looking at the pictures with me and said "Awwww, she is just so cute!" Last week when I told him you are getting a little girl from China, where Kai-Lan lives, I told him she would look sort of like Kia-Lan with dark hair and eyes Kade said "And ribbons in her hair?" I said I'm sure!!!

Mack said...

It is so great to come and hear what you guys are up to. I look forward to it every day. You are so precious little Kate - you and Levi can be fiesty together at your play dates :) :) Love you guys very much!!!!