September 22, 2009

Day Seven, Small World - Big God

You are not going to believe what happened to us today. We got to go to the Beijing zoo and on the way out I hear someone saying "Hua La Yu?" Thankfully Lexi was there to translate for us. In a town of 18 million people, at a zoo that is not close to Kate's orphanage- we met someone who knew our Kate. This lady and her daughter live next to the orphanage where Kate was and would come and play with the children. Out of over 1,000 children at the orphanage she recognized Kate (which should tell you something about her charming personality) and was so excited to see her with her adopted family. She said that she had seen the book with our pictures in it that we had sent to Kate and was so excited that she was getting a family. She told Lexi that her daughter (who looked to be about 4) loved to play with Kate. She said that Kate was so cute and was always so happy. She also said that they had some sort of pre-school type program in the orphanage that Kate was a part of. That would explain why she is so smart.
What a gift- a miraculous gift. In all my years of "blog stalking" I have never heard of anything like this happening. We were so excited to get another piece of our daughters history- and to yet again know that she was so loved for the first two years of her life. Only God could haveorchestrated that meeting. We are so thankful.
The zoo was fun- the same in many ways as our zoo in Atlanta, but also very different. They had squirrels, raccoons, and a kitten trying to pass as a "leopard cat". I didn't get a picture but it was pretty funny. We also went to a shopping market- which was crazy to say the least. It was PACKED and people were yelling constantly to try to get you to buy something. We got some socks for Kate (because the 12 to 24 month socks I brought for her are WAY too big) and a cute pair of shoes. After 4 hours of walking around carrying her I am worn out tonight. Kate is worn out too. She fell asleep on Daddy on the way home from dinner. She is still pinching him, but will now kiss him immediately after she pinches him. She also looks at me every time she pinches him (because I am the one that disciplines her for pinching so Brian doesn't have to be the "bad guy"). That little stinker. Man she is cute. I just can't wait for everyone to meet her. When we wake up in the morning we will be more than half way through with our trip- oh that sounds so good. We can't wait to see our little guy again. He is doing great though and doesn't seem to be missing us too much- thanks to amazing grandparents.
Thanks again for your prayers. We are so thankful for them.
Pictures from today are in the post below!
I still can't get my Nikon to download onto Brian's laptop- so frustrated by that. And for those of you who are super observant you will notice that my hair is in a ponytail every day. That would be because my hair dryer and my straightener got fried the first day we were here- even though I was using a surge protector.


The Simple Things said...

WHAT AN AMAZING STORY! That God would orchestrate that for you. Your daughter is so well loved. Cannot wait to hear all about her as you discover more and more. Happy to see Brian getting some kisses too:)
the G's

Cat said...

That is just so amazing, I find myself saying God is so good every time I read a new post from you. We are loving all the pics, the first thing the kids ask when they get up is if there are any new pics of Kate. She is such a blessing, and her personality just beems even through the pics. We are so anxious for you to get home.
miss you,

Stacy Robinson said...

I'm so glad you had another great day! I love hearing all about what you are doing, and what the Lord is doing, but I can't wait to talk to you in person! The pictures are wonderful today--my favorite is the one of Kate on Brian's shoulders! She looks pretty happy up there! I have a feeling she will be spending a lot of time in that spot! By the way, I like your hair in a ponytail--it makes you look even younger than you are! :)
Take care, and give Kate kisses for me! Love you! Stacy

Mack said...

I just chuckled at the "pinch Daddy" picture. I'm sure by now it's meant to be more loving than mean! :) Enjoying reading the posts and seeing pictures. Thinking of you!
Brenda MacKay

Donna Strebe said...

HEY! i love getting on every morning...i've never checked your blog this much:O) Ya'll are amazing parents and I just think it is so cool that God put it on your heart to go to China and adopt precious Kate! I'm jealous you are getting to see China! Maybe one day we can take our Luke to see where his heritage is! And bring one of those precious girls back:o) Keep sending the stories and pictures!

Jon and Donna:o)

Mack said...

So cool!!!! The highlight of my day is getting on to read all that is happening. Love you lots - hugs and kisses to Kate!!!!

Stacy Okland said...

That is amazing. How incredible! Seems like everyone wanted to play with your little girl at the orphanage! Wow! This is just the most incredible story!

Miss you guys!

Ps I should have warned you about the straightener!! I did the same thing in England- fried mine with a surge protector too...and had to pay the big bucks to buy a new chi. I was so mad!! So sorry!